Zechariah 10:9 Cross References
Zechariah 10:9
9: Though I have scattered them like seeds among the nations, still they will remember me in distant lands. With their children, they will survive and come home again to Israel.
Ezekiel 6:9
- Then when they are exiled among the nations, they will remember me. They will recognize how grieved I am by their unfaithful hearts and lustful eyes that long for other gods. Then at last they will hate themselves for all their wickedness.
Hosea 2:23
- "At that time I will plant a crop of Israelites and raise them for myself! I will show love to those I called `Not loved.' And to those I called `Not my people,' I will say, `Now you are my people.' Then they will reply, `You are our God!'"
Isaiah 65:9
- I will preserve a remnant of the people of Israel and of Judah to possess my land. Those I choose will inherit it and serve me there.
Jeremiah 31:27
- "The time will come," says the LORD, "when I will greatly increase the population and multiply the number of cattle here in Israel and Judah.
1 Kings 8:47
- But in that land of exile, they may turn to you again in repentance and pray, `We have sinned, done evil, and acted wickedly.'
- Then if they turn to you with their whole heart and soul and pray toward the land you gave to their ancestors, toward this city you have chosen, and toward this Temple I have built to honor your name,
Jeremiah 51:50
- Go, you who escaped the sword! Do not stand and watch--flee while you can! Remember the LORD, even though you are in a far-off land, and think about your home in Jerusalem."
Nehemiah 1:9
- But if you return to me and obey my commands, even if you are exiled to the ends of the earth, I will bring you back to the place I have chosen for my name to be honored.'
Esther 8:17
- In every city and province, wherever the king's decree arrived, the Jews rejoiced and had a great celebration and declared a public festival and holiday. And many of the people of the land became Jews themselves, for they feared what the Jews might do to them.
Amos 9:9
- "For I have commanded that Israel be persecuted by the other nations as grain is sifted in a sieve, yet not one true kernel will be lost.
Daniel 3:1
- King Nebuchadnezzar made a gold statue ninety feet tall and nine feet wide and set it up on the plain of Dura in the province of Babylon.
- Then he sent messages to the princes, prefects, governors, advisers, counselors, judges, magistrates, and all the provincial officials to come to the dedication of the statue he had set up.
- When all these officials had arrived and were standing before the image King Nebuchadnezzar had set up,
- a herald shouted out, "People of all races and nations and languages, listen to the king's command!
- When you hear the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp, pipes, and other instruments, bow to the ground to worship King Nebuchadnezzar's gold statue.
Isaiah 65:23
- They will not work in vain, and their children will not be doomed to misfortune. For they are people blessed by the LORD, and their children, too, will be blessed.
Micah 5:7
- Then the few left in Israel will go out among the nations. They will be like dew sent by the LORD or like rain falling on the grass, which no one can hold back.
Deuteronomy 30:1
- "Suppose all these things happen to you--the blessings and the curses I have listed--and you meditate on them as you are living among the nations to which the LORD your God has exiled you.
- If at that time you return to the LORD your God, and you and your children begin wholeheartedly to obey all the commands I have given you today,
- then the LORD your God will restore your fortunes. He will have mercy on you and gather you back from all the nations where he has scattered you.
- Though you are at the ends of the earth, the LORD your God will go and find you and bring you back again.
Acts 14:1
- In Iconium, Paul and Barnabas went together to the synagogue and preached with such power that a great number of both Jews and Gentiles believed.
- But the Jews who spurned God's message stirred up distrust among the Gentiles against Paul and Barnabas, saying all sorts of evil things about them.
- The apostles stayed there a long time, preaching boldly about the grace of the Lord. The Lord proved their message was true by giving them power to do miraculous signs and wonders.
- But the people of the city were divided in their opinion about them. Some sided with the Jews, and some with the apostles.
- A mob of Gentiles and Jews, along with their leaders, decided to attack and stone them.
Acts 13:1
- Among the prophets and teachers of the church at Antioch of Syria were Barnabas, Simeon (called "the black man" ), Lucius (from Cyrene), Manaen (the childhood companion of King Herod Antipas ), and Saul.
- One day as these men were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Dedicate Barnabas and Saul for the special work I have for them."
- So after more fasting and prayer, the men laid their hands on them and sent them on their way.
- Sent out by the Holy Spirit, Saul and Barnabas went down to the seaport of Seleucia and then sailed for the island of Cyprus.
- There, in the town of Salamis, they went to the Jewish synagogues and preached the word of God. (John Mark went with them as their assistant.)
Romans 11:24
- For if God was willing to take you who were, by nature, branches from a wild olive tree and graft you into his own good tree--a very unusual thing to do--he will be far more eager to graft the Jews back into the tree where they belong.
Acts 2:38
- Peter replied, "Each of you must turn from your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
- This promise is to you and to your children, and even to the Gentiles--all who have been called by the Lord our God."
Acts 3:25
- You are the children of those prophets, and you are included in the covenant God promised to your ancestors. For God said to Abraham, 'Through your descendants all the families on earth will be blessed.'
- When God raised up his servant, he sent him first to you people of Israel, to bless you by turning each of you back from your sinful ways."
Acts 11:19
- Meanwhile, the believers who had fled from Jerusalem during the persecution after Stephen's death traveled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch of Syria. They preached the Good News, but only to Jews.
- However, some of the believers who went to Antioch from Cyprus and Cyrene began preaching to Gentiles about the Lord Jesus.
- The power of the Lord was upon them, and large numbers of these Gentiles believed and turned to the Lord.
Romans 11:11
- Did God's people stumble and fall beyond recovery? Of course not! His purpose was to make his salvation available to the Gentiles, and then the Jews would be jealous and want it for themselves.
- Now if the Gentiles were enriched because the Jews turned down God's offer of salvation, think how much greater a blessing the world will share when the Jews finally accept it.
- I am saying all of this especially for you Gentiles. God has appointed me as the apostle to the Gentiles. I lay great stress on this,
- for I want to find a way to make the Jews want what you Gentiles have, and in that way I might save some of them.
- For since the Jews' rejection meant that God offered salvation to the rest of the world, how much more wonderful their acceptance will be. It will be life for those who were dead!
Acts 8:4
- But the believers who had fled Jerusalem went everywhere preaching the Good News about Jesus.
Acts 8:1
- Saul was one of the official witnesses at the killing of Stephen. A great wave of persecution began that day, sweeping over the church in Jerusalem, and all the believers except the apostles fled into Judea and Samaria.