Psalms 22:13 Cross References
Psalms 22:13
13: Like roaring lions attacking their prey, they come at me with open mouths.
Psalms 35:21
- They shout that they have seen me doing wrong. "Aha," they say. "Aha! With our own eyes we saw him do it!"
1 Peter 5:8
- Be careful! Watch out for attacks from the Devil, your great enemy. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for some victim to devour.
Lamentations 3:46
- "All our enemies have spoken out against us.
Job 16:10
- People jeer and laugh at me. They slap my cheek in contempt. A mob gathers against me.
Lamentations 2:16
- All your enemies deride you. They scoff and grind their teeth and say, "We have destroyed her at last! Long have we awaited this day, and it is finally here!"
Psalms 17:12
- They are like hungry lions, eager to tear me apart--like young lions in hiding, waiting for their chance.
Matthew 26:59
- Inside, the leading priests and the entire high council were trying to find witnesses who would lie about Jesus, so they could put him to death.
- But even though they found many who agreed to give false witness, there was no testimony they could use. Finally, two men were found
- who declared, "This man said, 'I am able to destroy the Temple of God and rebuild it in three days.'"
- Then the high priest stood up and said to Jesus, "Well, aren't you going to answer these charges? What do you have to say for yourself?"
- But Jesus remained silent. Then the high priest said to him, "I demand in the name of the living God that you tell us whether you are the Messiah, the Son of God."
Psalms 22:7
- Everyone who sees me mocks me. They sneer and shake their heads, saying,
Psalms 7:2
- If you don't, they will maul me like a lion, tearing me to pieces with no one to rescue me.
Matthew 26:3
- At that same time the leading priests and other leaders were meeting at the residence of Caiaphas, the high priest,
- to discuss how to capture Jesus secretly and put him to death.
Psalms 35:17
- How long, O Lord, will you look on and do nothing? Rescue me from their fierce attacks. Protect my life from these lions!
Psalms 22:21
- Snatch me from the lions' jaws, and from the horns of these wild oxen.
Ezekiel 22:27
- Your leaders are like wolves, who tear apart their victims. They actually destroy people's lives for profit!
- And your prophets announce false visions and speak false messages. They say, `My message is from the Sovereign LORD,' when the LORD hasn't spoken a single word to them. They repair cracked walls with whitewash!