Psalms 10:9 Cross References
Psalms 10:9
9: Like lions they crouch silently, waiting to pounce on the helpless. Like hunters they capture their victims and drag them away in nets.
Psalms 17:12
- They are like hungry lions, eager to tear me apart--like young lions in hiding, waiting for their chance.
Psalms 59:3
- They have set an ambush for me. Fierce enemies are out there waiting, though I have done them no wrong, O LORD.
Micah 7:2
- The godly people have all disappeared; not one fair-minded person is left on the earth. They are all murderers, even setting traps for their own brothers.
Psalms 35:10
- I will praise him from the bottom of my heart: "LORD, who can compare with you? Who else rescues the weak and helpless from the strong? Who else protects the poor and needy from those who want to rob them?"
Habakkuk 3:14
- With their own weapons, you destroyed those who rushed out like a whirlwind, thinking Israel would be easy prey.
Job 5:15
- He rescues the poor from the cutting words of the strong. He saves them from the clutches of the powerful.
- And so at last the poor have hope, and the fangs of the wicked are broken.
Psalms 12:5
- The LORD replies, "I have seen violence done to the helpless, and I have heard the groans of the poor. Now I will rise up to rescue them, as they have longed for me to do."
Ezekiel 19:3
- She raised one of her cubs to become a strong young lion. He learned to catch and devour prey, and he became a man-eater.
- Then the nations heard about him, and he was trapped in their pit. They led him away in chains to the land of Egypt.
- `When the mother lion saw that all her hopes for him were gone, she took another of her cubs and taught him to be a strong lion.
- He prowled among the other lions and became a leader among them. He learned to catch and devour prey, and he, too, became a man-eater.
John 10:12
- A hired hand will run when he sees a wolf coming. He will leave the sheep because they aren't his and he isn't their shepherd. And so the wolf attacks them and scatters the flock.
Nahum 2:11
- Where now is that great Nineveh, lion of the nations, full of fight and boldness, where the old and feeble and the young and tender lived with nothing to fear?
- O Nineveh, you were once a mighty lion! You crushed your enemies to feed your cubs and your mate. You filled your city and your homes with captives and plunder.
Zechariah 11:3
- Listen to the wailing of the shepherds, for their wealth is gone. Hear the young lions roaring, for their thickets in the Jordan Valley have been destroyed.
Habakkuk 1:15
- Must we be strung up on their hooks and dragged out in their nets while they rejoice?
Ezekiel 22:29
- Even common people oppress the poor, rob the needy, and deprive foreigners of justice.
Proverbs 14:31
- Those who oppress the poor insult their Maker, but those who help the poor honor him.
Proverbs 28:15
- A wicked ruler is as dangerous to the poor as a lion or bear attacking them.
Proverbs 22:16
- A person who gets ahead by oppressing the poor or by showering gifts on the rich will end in poverty.
Amos 3:4
- Does a lion ever roar in a thicket without first finding a victim? Does a young lion growl in its den without first catching its prey?
Isaiah 32:7
- The smooth tricks of evil people will be exposed, including all the lies they use to oppress the poor in the courts.
Amos 5:11
- You trample the poor and steal what little they have through taxes and unfair rent. Therefore, you will never live in the beautiful stone houses you are building. You will never drink wine from the lush vineyards you are planting.
- For I know the vast number of your sins and rebellions. You oppress good people by taking bribes and deprive the poor of justice in the courts.
Amos 2:6
- This is what the LORD says: "The people of Israel have sinned again and again, and I will not forget it. I will not let them go unpunished any longer! They have perverted justice by selling honest people for silver and poor people for a pair of sandals.
- They trample helpless people in the dust and deny justice to those who are oppressed. Both father and son sleep with the same woman, corrupting my holy name.
Lamentations 3:10
- He hid like a bear or a lion, waiting to attack me.
Isaiah 3:15
- How dare you grind my people into the dust like that!" demands the Lord, the LORD Almighty.
Psalms 140:5
- The proud have set a trap to catch me; they have stretched out a net; they have placed traps all along the way.
Psalms 37:14
- The wicked draw their swords and string their bows to kill the poor and the oppressed, to slaughter those who do right.
Jeremiah 5:26
- "Among my people are wicked men who lie in wait for victims like a hunter hiding in a blind. They are continually setting traps for other people.
Acts 23:21
- But don't do it! There are more than forty men hiding along the way ready to jump him and kill him. They have vowed not to eat or drink until they kill him. They are ready, expecting you to agree to their request."
Psalms 109:31
- For he stands beside the needy, ready to save them from those who condemn them.