Proverbs 21:7 Cross References
Proverbs 21:7
7: Because the wicked refuse to do what is just, their violence boomerangs and destroys them.
Proverbs 21:21
- Whoever pursues godliness and unfailing love will find life, godliness, and honor.
Micah 3:9
- Listen to me, you leaders of Israel! You hate justice and twist all that is right.
- You are building Jerusalem on a foundation of murder and corruption.
- You rulers govern for the bribes you can get; you priests teach God's laws only for a price; you prophets won't prophesy unless you are paid. Yet all of you claim you are depending on the LORD. "No harm can come to us," you say, "for the LORD is here among us."
- So because of you, Mount Zion will be plowed like an open field; Jerusalem will be reduced to rubble! A great forest will grow on the hilltop, where the Temple now stands.
Proverbs 10:6
- The godly are showered with blessings; evil people cover up their harmful intentions.
Proverbs 1:18
- But not these people! They set an ambush for themselves; they booby-trap their own lives!
- Such is the fate of all who are greedy for gain. It ends up robbing them of life.
Jeremiah 7:15
- And I will send you into exile, just as I did your relatives, the people of Israel. '
Ephesians 5:6
- Don't be fooled by those who try to excuse these sins, for the terrible anger of God comes upon all those who disobey him.
Ezekiel 18:18
- But the father will die for the many sins he committed--for being cruel and robbing close relatives, doing what was clearly wrong among his people.
Jeremiah 7:9
- Do you really think you can steal, murder, commit adultery, lie, and worship Baal and all those other new gods of yours,
- and then come here and stand before me in my Temple and chant, "We are safe!"--only to go right back to all those evils again?
- Do you think this Temple, which honors my name, is a den of thieves? I see all the evil going on there, says the LORD.
Ezekiel 22:13
- "But now I clap my hands in indignation over your dishonest gain and bloodshed.
- How strong and courageous will you be in my day of reckoning? I, the LORD, have spoken! I will do what I have said.
Psalms 7:16
- They make trouble, but it backfires on them. They plan violence for others, but it falls on their own heads.
Isaiah 1:23
- Your leaders are rebels, the companions of thieves. All of them take bribes and refuse to defend the orphans and the widows.
- Therefore, the Lord, the LORD Almighty, the Mighty One of Israel, says, "I will pour out my fury on you, my enemies!
Psalms 9:16
- The LORD is known for his justice. The wicked have trapped themselves in their own snares.
Proverbs 22:22
- Do not rob the poor because they are poor or exploit the needy in court.
- For the LORD is their defender. He will injure anyone who injures them.
Zechariah 5:3
- Then he said to me, "This scroll contains the curse that is going out over the entire land. One side says that those who steal will be banished from the land; the other side says that those who swear falsely will be banished from the land.
- And this is what the LORD Almighty says: I am sending this curse into the house of every thief and into the house of everyone who swears falsely by my name. And my curse will remain in that house until it is completely destroyed--even its timbers and stones."