Mark 2:2 Cross References
Mark 2:2
2: Soon the house where he was staying was so packed with visitors that there wasn't room for one more person, not even outside the door. And he preached the word to them.
Mark 2:13
- Then Jesus went out to the lakeshore again and taught the crowds that gathered around him.
Mark 1:45
- But as the man went on his way, he spread the news, telling everyone what had happened to him. As a result, such crowds soon surrounded Jesus that he couldn't enter a town anywhere publicly. He had to stay out in the secluded places, and people from everywhere came to him there.
Mark 1:37
- They said, "Everyone is asking for you."
Mark 4:1
- Once again Jesus began teaching by the lakeshore. There was such a large crowd along the shore that he got into a boat and sat down and spoke from there.
- He began to teach the people by telling many stories such as this one:
Acts 16:6
- Next Paul and Silas traveled through the area of Phrygia and Galatia, because the Holy Spirit had told them not to go into the province of Asia at that time.
Romans 10:8
- Salvation that comes from trusting Christ--which is the message we preach--is already within easy reach. In fact, the Scriptures say, "The message is close at hand; it is on your lips and in your heart."
Acts 8:25
- After testifying and preaching the word of the Lord in Samaria, Peter and John returned to Jerusalem. And they stopped in many Samaritan villages along the way to preach the Good News to them, too.
Luke 8:11
- "This is the meaning of the story: The seed is God's message.
Luke 8:1
- Not long afterward Jesus began a tour of the nearby cities and villages to announce the Good News concerning the Kingdom of God. He took his twelve disciples with him,
Mark 1:33
- And a huge crowd of people from all over Capernaum gathered outside the door to watch.
2 Timothy 4:2
- Preach the word of God. Be persistent, whether the time is favorable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching.
Luke 12:1
- Meanwhile, the crowds grew until thousands were milling about and crushing each other. Jesus turned first to his disciples and warned them, "Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees--beware of their hypocrisy.
Acts 11:19
- Meanwhile, the believers who had fled from Jerusalem during the persecution after Stephen's death traveled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch of Syria. They preached the Good News, but only to Jews.
Matthew 5:2
- This is what he taught them:
Psalms 40:9
- I have told all your people about your justice. I have not been afraid to speak out, as you, O LORD, well know.
Acts 14:25
- They preached again in Perga, then went on to Attalia.
Mark 1:14
- Later on, after John was arrested by Herod Antipas, Jesus went to Galilee to preach God's Good News.
Luke 5:17
- One day while Jesus was teaching, some Pharisees and teachers of religious law were sitting nearby. (It seemed that these men showed up from every village in all Galilee and Judea, as well as from Jerusalem.) And the Lord's healing power was strongly with Jesus.
Mark 6:34
- A vast crowd was there as he stepped from the boat, and he had compassion on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he taught them many things.