Leviticus 21:15 Cross References
Leviticus 21:15
15: that he may not dishonor his descendants among the members of his clan, because I, the LORD, have made him holy."
1 Corinthians 7:14
- For the Christian wife brings holiness to her marriage, and the Christian husband brings holiness to his marriage. Otherwise, your children would not have a godly influence, but now they are set apart for him.
Romans 11:16
- And since Abraham and the other patriarchs were holy, their children will also be holy. For if the roots of the tree are holy, the branches will be, too.
Leviticus 21:8
- You must treat them as holy because they offer up food to your God. You must consider them holy because I, the LORD, am holy, and I make you holy.
Malachi 2:15
- Didn't the LORD make you one with your wife? In body and spirit you are his. And what does he want? Godly children from your union. So guard yourself; remain loyal to the wife of your youth.
Ezra 2:62
- But they had lost their genealogical records, so they were not allowed to serve as priests.
Nehemiah 13:23
- About the same time I realized that some of the men of Judah had married women from Ashdod, Ammon, and Moab.
- Even worse, half their children spoke in the language of Ashdod or some other people and could not speak the language of Judah at all.
- So I confronted them and called down curses on them. I beat some of them and pulled out their hair. I made them swear before God that they would not let their children intermarry with the pagan people of the land.
- "Wasn't this exactly what led King Solomon of Israel into sin?" I demanded. "There was no king from any nation who could compare to him, and God loved him and made him king over all Israel. But even he was led into sin by his foreign wives.
- How could you even think of committing this sinful deed and acting unfaithfully toward God by marrying foreign women?"
Genesis 18:19
- I have singled him out so that he will direct his sons and their families to keep the way of the LORD and do what is right and just. Then I will do for him all that I have promised."
Malachi 2:11
- In Judah, in Israel, and in Jerusalem there is treachery, for the men of Judah have defiled the LORD's beloved sanctuary by marrying women who worship idols.
Ezra 9:2
- For the men of Israel have married women from these people and have taken them as wives for their sons. So the holy race has become polluted by these mixed marriages. To make matters worse, the officials and leaders are some of the worst offenders."