Jeremiah 3:20 Cross References
Jeremiah 3:20
20: But you have betrayed me, you people of Israel! You have been like a faithless wife who leaves her husband," says the LORD.
Jeremiah 5:11
- The people of Israel and Judah are full of treachery against me," says the LORD.
Isaiah 48:8
- "Yes, I will tell you of things that are entirely new, for I know so well what traitors you are. You have been rebels from your earliest childhood, rotten through and through.
Malachi 2:11
- In Judah, in Israel, and in Jerusalem there is treachery, for the men of Judah have defiled the LORD's beloved sanctuary by marrying women who worship idols.
Jeremiah 3:8
- she paid no attention. She saw that I had divorced faithless Israel and sent her away. But now Judah, too, has left me and given herself to prostitution.
- Israel treated it all so lightly--she thought nothing of committing adultery by worshiping idols made of wood and stone. So now the land has been greatly defiled.
- But in spite of all this, her faithless sister Judah has never sincerely returned to me. She has only pretended to be sorry," says the LORD.
Hosea 5:7
- For they have betrayed the honor of the LORD, bearing children that aren't his. Now their false religion will devour them, along with their wealth.
Jeremiah 3:1
- "If a man divorces a woman and she marries someone else, he is not to take her back again, for that would surely corrupt the land. But you have prostituted yourself with many lovers, says the LORD. Yet I am still calling you to come back to me.
- "Look all around you. Is there anywhere in the entire land where you have not been defiled by your adulteries? You sit like a prostitute beside the road waiting for a client. You sit alone like a nomad in the desert. You have polluted the land with your prostitution and wickedness.
Ezekiel 16:15
- "But you thought you could get along without me, so you trusted instead in your fame and beauty. You gave yourself as a prostitute to every man who came along. Your beauty was theirs for the asking!
- You used the lovely things I gave you to make shrines for idols, where you carried out your acts of prostitution. Unbelievable! How could such a thing ever happen?
- You took the very jewels and gold and silver ornaments I had given you and made statues of men and worshiped them, which is adultery against me.
- You used the beautifully embroidered clothes I gave you to cover your idols. Then you used my oil and incense to worship them.
- Imagine it! You set before them as a lovely sacrifice the fine flour and oil and honey I had given you, says the Sovereign LORD.
Hosea 3:1
- Then the LORD said to me, "Go and get your wife again. Bring her back to you and love her, even though she loves adultery. For the LORD still loves Israel even though the people have turned to other gods, offering them choice gifts. "
Hosea 6:7
- "But like Adam, you broke my covenant and rebelled against me.