Habakkuk 3:14 Cross References
Habakkuk 3:14
14: With their own weapons, you destroyed those who rushed out like a whirlwind, thinking Israel would be easy prey.
Zechariah 9:14
- The LORD will appear above his people; his arrows will fly like lightning! The Sovereign LORD will sound the trumpet; he will go out against his enemies like a whirlwind from the southern desert.
Psalms 10:8
- They lurk in dark alleys, murdering the innocent who pass by. They are always searching for some helpless victim.
Daniel 11:40
- "Then at the time of the end, the king of the south will attack him, and the king of the north will storm out against him with chariots, cavalry, and a vast navy. He will invade various lands and sweep through them like a flood.
Exodus 14:5
- When word reached the king of Egypt that the Israelites were not planning to return to Egypt after three days, Pharaoh and his officials changed their minds. "What have we done, letting all these slaves get away?" they asked.
- So Pharaoh called out his troops and led the chase in his chariot.
- He took with him six hundred of Egypt's best chariots, along with the rest of the chariots of Egypt, each with a commander.
- The LORD continued to strengthen Pharaoh's resolve, and he chased after the people of Israel who had escaped so defiantly.
- All the forces in Pharaoh's army--all his horses, chariots, and charioteers--were used in the chase. The Egyptians caught up with the people of Israel as they were camped beside the shore near Pi-hahiroth, across from Baal-zephon.
Psalms 78:50
- He turned his anger against them; he did not spare the Egyptians' lives but handed them over to the plague.
- He killed the oldest son in each Egyptian family, the flower of youth throughout the land of Egypt.
Acts 4:27
- "That is what has happened here in this city! For Herod Antipas, Pontius Pilate the governor, the Gentiles, and the people of Israel were all united against Jesus, your holy servant, whom you anointed.
- In fact, everything they did occurred according to your eternal will and plan.
Exodus 11:4
- So Moses announced to Pharaoh, "This is what the LORD says: About midnight I will pass through Egypt.
- All the firstborn sons will die in every family in Egypt, from the oldest son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the oldest son of his lowliest slave. Even the firstborn of the animals will die.
- Then a loud wail will be heard throughout the land of Egypt; there has never been such wailing before, and there never will be again.
- But among the Israelites it will be so peaceful that not even a dog will bark. Then you will know that the LORD makes a distinction between the Egyptians and the Israelites.
Psalms 118:10
- Though hostile nations surrounded me, I destroyed them all in the name of the LORD.
- Yes, they surrounded and attacked me, but I destroyed them all in the name of the LORD.
- They swarmed around me like bees; they blazed against me like a roaring flame. But I destroyed them all in the name of the LORD.
Exodus 12:29
- And at midnight the LORD killed all the firstborn sons in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sat on the throne, to the firstborn son of the captive in the dungeon. Even the firstborn of their livestock were killed.
- Pharaoh and his officials and all the people of Egypt woke up during the night, and loud wailing was heard throughout the land of Egypt. There was not a single house where someone had not died.
Judges 7:22
- When the three hundred Israelites blew their horns, the LORD caused the warriors in the camp to fight against each other with their swords. Those who were not killed fled to places as far away as Beth-shittah near Zererah and to the border of Abel-meholah near Tabbath.
Exodus 1:22
- Then Pharaoh gave this order to all his people: "Throw all the newborn Israelite boys into the Nile River. But you may spare the baby girls."
Psalms 83:8
- Assyria has joined them, too, and is allied with the descendants of Lot.
- Do to them as you did to the Midianites or as you did to Sisera and Jabin at the Kishon River.
- They were destroyed at Endor, and their decaying corpses fertilized the soil.
- Let their mighty nobles die as Oreb and Zeeb did. Let all their princes die like Zebah and Zalmunna,
Psalms 64:2
- Protect me from the plots of the wicked, from the scheming of those who do evil.
- Sharp tongues are the swords they wield; bitter words are the arrows they aim.
- They shoot from ambush at the innocent, attacking suddenly and fearlessly.
- They encourage each other to do evil and plan how to set their traps. "Who will ever notice?" they ask.
- As they plot their crimes, they say, "We have devised the perfect plan!" Yes, the human heart and mind are cunning.
Exodus 1:10
- We must find a way to put an end to this. If we don't and if war breaks out, they will join our enemies and fight against us. Then they will escape from the country."
- So the Egyptians made the Israelites their slaves and put brutal slave drivers over them, hoping to wear them down under heavy burdens. They forced them to build the cities of Pithom and Rameses as supply centers for the king.
- But the more the Egyptians oppressed them, the more quickly the Israelites multiplied! The Egyptians soon became alarmed
- and decided to make their slavery more bitter still.
- They were ruthless with the Israelites, forcing them to make bricks and mortar and to work long hours in the fields.
Psalms 83:2
- Don't you hear the tumult of your enemies? Don't you see what your arrogant enemies are doing?
Exodus 12:12
- On that night I will pass through the land of Egypt and kill all the firstborn sons and firstborn male animals in the land of Egypt. I will execute judgment against all the gods of Egypt, for I am the LORD!
- The blood you have smeared on your doorposts will serve as a sign. When I see the blood, I will pass over you. This plague of death will not touch you when I strike the land of Egypt.
Exodus 14:17
- Yet I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians, and they will follow the Israelites into the sea. Then I will receive great glory at the expense of Pharaoh and his armies, chariots, and charioteers.
- When I am finished with Pharaoh and his army, all Egypt will know that I am the LORD!"
Exodus 15:9
- "The enemy said, `I will chase them, catch up with them, and destroy them. I will divide the plunder, avenging myself against them. I will unsheath my sword; my power will destroy them.'
- But with a blast of your breath, the sea covered them. They sank like lead in the mighty waters.