Ezekiel 5:14 Cross References
Ezekiel 5:14
14: "So I will turn you into a ruin, a mockery in the eyes of the surrounding nations and to everyone who travels by.
Ezekiel 22:4
- you are guilty of both murder and idolatry. Your day of destruction has come! You have reached the end of your years. I will make you an object of mockery throughout the world.
Psalms 79:1
- O God, pagan nations have conquered your land, your special possession. They have defiled your holy Temple and made Jerusalem a heap of ruins.
- They have left the bodies of your servants as food for the birds of heaven. The flesh of your godly ones has become food for the wild animals.
- Blood has flowed like water all around Jerusalem; no one is left to bury the dead.
- We are mocked by our neighbors, an object of scorn and derision to those around us.
Psalms 74:3
- Walk through the awful ruins of the city; see how the enemy has destroyed your sanctuary.
- There your enemies shouted their victorious battle cries; there they set up their battle standards.
- They chopped down the entrance like woodcutters in a forest.
- With axes and picks, they smashed the carved paneling.
- They set the sanctuary on fire, burning it to the ground. They utterly defiled the place that bears your holy name.
Nehemiah 2:17
- But now I said to them, "You know full well the tragedy of our city. It lies in ruins, and its gates are burned. Let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem and rid ourselves of this disgrace!"
Deuteronomy 28:37
- You will become an object of horror, a proverb and a mockery among all the nations to which the LORD sends you.
Lamentations 2:15
- All who pass by jeer at you. They scoff and insult Jerusalem, saying, "Is this the city called `Most Beautiful in All the World' and `Joy of All the Earth'?"
- All your enemies deride you. They scoff and grind their teeth and say, "We have destroyed her at last! Long have we awaited this day, and it is finally here!"
- But it is the LORD who did it just as he warned. He has fulfilled the promises of disaster he made long ago. He has destroyed Jerusalem without mercy and caused her enemies to rejoice over her and boast of their power.
2 Chronicles 7:20
- then I will uproot the people of Israel from this land of mine that I have given them. I will reject this Temple that I have set apart to honor my name. I will make it a spectacle of contempt among the nations.
- And though this Temple is impressive now, it will become an appalling sight to all who pass by. They will ask, `Why has the LORD done such terrible things to his land and to his Temple?'
Jeremiah 19:8
- I will wipe Jerusalem from the face of the earth, making it a monument to their stupidity. All who pass by will be appalled and will gasp at the destruction they see there.
Lamentations 1:8
- Jerusalem has sinned greatly, so she has been tossed away like a filthy rag. All who once honored her now despise her, for they have seen her stripped naked and humiliated. All she can do is groan and hide her face.
Jeremiah 24:9
- I will make them an object of horror and evil to every nation on earth. They will be disgraced and mocked, taunted and cursed, wherever I send them.
- I will send war, famine, and disease until they have vanished from the land of Israel, which I gave to them and their ancestors."
Leviticus 26:31
- I will make your cities desolate and destroy your places of worship, and I will take no pleasure in your offerings of incense.
- Yes, I myself will devastate your land. Your enemies who come to occupy it will be utterly shocked at the destruction they see.
Lamentations 1:4
- The roads to Jerusalem are in mourning, no longer filled with crowds on their way to celebrate the Temple festivals. The city gates are silent, her priests groan, her young women are crying--how bitterly Jerusalem weeps!
Micah 3:12
- So because of you, Mount Zion will be plowed like an open field; Jerusalem will be reduced to rubble! A great forest will grow on the hilltop, where the Temple now stands.
Lamentations 5:18
- For Jerusalem is empty and desolate, a place haunted by jackals.
Isaiah 64:10
- Your holy cities are destroyed; even Jerusalem is a desolate wilderness.
- The holy, beautiful Temple where our ancestors praised you has been burned down, and all the things of beauty are destroyed.
Jeremiah 42:18
- "For the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says: `Just as my anger and fury were poured out on the people of Jerusalem, so they will be poured out on you when you enter Egypt. You will become an object of damnation, horror, cursing, and mockery. And you will never see your homeland again.'