Deuteronomy 9:6 Cross References
Deuteronomy 9:6
6: I will say it again: The LORD your God is not giving you this good land because you are righteous, for you are not--you are a stubborn people.
Deuteronomy 31:27
- For I know how rebellious and stubborn you are. Even now, while I am still with you, you have rebelled against the LORD. How much more rebellious will you be after my death!
Deuteronomy 10:16
- Therefore, cleanse your sinful hearts and stop being stubborn.
Deuteronomy 9:13
- "The LORD said to me, `I have been watching this people, and they are extremely stubborn.
Exodus 32:9
- Then the LORD said, "I have seen how stubborn and rebellious these people are.
Acts 7:51
- "You stubborn people! You are heathen at heart and deaf to the truth. Must you forever resist the Holy Spirit? But your ancestors did, and so do you!
Isaiah 48:3
- Time and again I warned you about what was going to happen in the future. Then suddenly I took action, and all my predictions came true.
- "I know how stubborn and obstinate you are. Your necks are as unbending as iron. You are as hardheaded as bronze.
2 Chronicles 30:8
- Do not be stubborn, as they were, but submit yourselves to the LORD. Come to his Temple which he has set apart as holy forever. Worship the LORD your God so that his fierce anger will turn away from you.
Exodus 34:9
- And he said, "If it is true that I have found favor in your sight, O Lord, then please go with us. Yes, this is an unruly and stubborn people, but please pardon our iniquity and our sins. Accept us as your own special possession."
Psalms 78:8
- Then they will not be like their ancestors--stubborn, rebellious, and unfaithful, refusing to give their hearts to God.
Ezekiel 2:4
- They are a hard-hearted and stubborn people. But I am sending you to say to them, `This is what the Sovereign LORD says!'
Exodus 33:3
- Theirs is a land flowing with milk and honey. But I will not travel along with you, for you are a stubborn, unruly people. If I did, I would be tempted to destroy you along the way."
2 Chronicles 36:13
- He also rebelled against King Nebuchadnezzar, even though he had taken an oath of loyalty in God's name. Zedekiah was a hard and stubborn man, refusing to turn to the LORD, the God of Israel.
Ezekiel 20:44
- You will know that I am the LORD, O people of Israel, when I have honored my name by treating you mercifully in spite of your wickedness, says the Sovereign LORD."
Zechariah 7:11
- "Your ancestors would not listen to this message. They turned stubbornly away and put their fingers in their ears to keep from hearing.
- They made their hearts as hard as stone, so they could not hear the law or the messages that the LORD Almighty had sent them by his Spirit through the earlier prophets. That is why the LORD Almighty was so angry with them.
Deuteronomy 9:3
- But the LORD your God will cross over ahead of you like a devouring fire to destroy them. He will subdue them so that you will quickly conquer them and drive them out, just as the LORD has promised.
- "After the LORD your God has done this for you, don't say to yourselves, `The LORD has given us this land because we are so righteous!' No, it is because of the wickedness of the other nations that he is doing it.
Romans 5:20
- God's law was given so that all people could see how sinful they were. But as people sinned more and more, God's wonderful kindness became more abundant.
- So just as sin ruled over all people and brought them to death, now God's wonderful kindness rules instead, giving us right standing with God and resulting in eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.