Zephaniah 1:12 Cross References
Zephaniah 1:12
12: "I will search with lanterns in Jerusalem's darkest corners to find and punish those who sit contented in their sins, indifferent to the LORD, thinking he will do nothing at all to them.
Jeremiah 48:11
- "From her earliest history, Moab has lived in peace. She is like wine that has been allowed to settle. She has not been poured from flask to flask, and she is now fragrant and smooth.
Amos 6:1
- How terrible it will be for you who lounge in luxury and think you are secure in Jerusalem and Samaria! You are famous and popular in Israel, you to whom the people go for help.
Ezekiel 8:12
- Then the LORD said to me, "Son of man, have you seen what the leaders of Israel are doing with their idols in dark rooms? They are saying, `The LORD doesn't see us; he has deserted our land!'"
Ezekiel 9:9
- Then he said to me, "The sins of the people of Israel and Judah are very great. The entire land is full of murder; the city is filled with injustice. They are saying, `The LORD doesn't see it! The LORD has forsaken the land!'
Malachi 3:14
- "You have said, `What's the use of serving God? What have we gained by obeying his commands or by trying to show the LORD Almighty that we are sorry for our sins?
- From now on we will say, "Blessed are the arrogant." For those who do evil get rich, and those who dare God to punish them go free of harm.'"
Psalms 94:7
- "The LORD isn't looking," they say, "and besides, the God of Israel doesn't care."
Amos 9:1
- Then I saw a vision of the Lord standing beside the altar. He said, "Strike the tops of the Temple columns so hard that the foundation will shake. Smash the columns so the roof will crash down on the people below. Then those who survive will be slaughtered in battle. No one will escape!
- "Even if they dig down to the place of the dead, I will reach down and pull them up. Even if they climb up into the heavens, I will bring them down.
- Even if they hide at the very top of Mount Carmel, I will search them out and capture them. Even if they hide at the bottom of the ocean, I will send the great sea serpent after them to bite and destroy them.
Jeremiah 16:16
- "But now I am sending for many fishermen who will catch them," says the LORD. "I am sending for hunters who will search for them in the forests and caves.
- I am watching them closely, and I see every sin. They cannot hope to hide from me.
Psalms 10:11
- The wicked say to themselves, "God isn't watching! He will never notice!"
- Arise, O LORD! Punish the wicked, O God! Do not forget the helpless!
- Why do the wicked get away with cursing God? How can they think, "God will never call us to account"?
2 Peter 3:4
- This will be their argument: "Jesus promised to come back, did he? Then where is he? Why, as far back as anyone can remember, everything has remained exactly the same since the world was first created."
Job 21:15
- Who is the Almighty, and why should we obey him? What good will it do us if we pray?'
Isaiah 5:19
- They even mock the Holy One of Israel and say, "Hurry up and do something! Quick, show us what you can do. We want to see what you have planned."
Revelation 2:23
- I will strike her children dead. And all the churches will know that I am the one who searches out the thoughts and intentions of every person. And I will give to each of you whatever you deserve.
Jeremiah 10:5
- There stands their god like a helpless scarecrow in a garden! It cannot speak, and it needs to be carried because it cannot walk. Do not be afraid of such gods, for they can neither harm you nor do you any good."
Psalms 14:1
- Only fools say in their hearts, "There is no God." They are corrupt, and their actions are evil; no one does good!
Obadiah 1:6
- Every nook and cranny of Edom will be searched and looted. Every treasure will be found and taken.