Zechariah 6:8 Cross References
Zechariah 6:8
8: Then the LORD summoned me and said, "Those who went north have vented the anger of my Spirit there."
Ezekiel 5:13
- Then at last my anger will be spent, and I will be satisfied. And when my fury against them has subsided, all Israel will know that I, the LORD, have spoken to them in my jealous anger.
Zechariah 1:15
- But I am very angry with the other nations that enjoy peace and security. I was only a little angry with my people, but the nations punished them far beyond my intentions.
Isaiah 48:14
- "Have any of your idols ever told you this? Come, all of you, and listen: `The LORD has chosen Cyrus as his ally. He will use him to put an end to the empire of Babylon, destroying the Babylonian armies.'
Judges 8:3
- God gave you victory over Oreb and Zeeb, the generals of the Midianite army. What have I done compared to that?" When the men of Ephraim heard Gideon's answer, they were no longer angry.
Ezekiel 24:13
- It is the filth and corruption of your lewdness and idolatry. And now, because I tried to cleanse you but you refused, you will remain filthy until my fury against you has been satisfied.
Revelation 18:21
- Then a mighty angel picked up a boulder as large as a great millstone. He threw it into the ocean and shouted, "Babylon, the great city, will be thrown down as violently as I have thrown away this stone, and she will disappear forever.
- Never again will the sound of music be heard there--no more harps, songs, flutes, or trumpets. There will be no industry of any kind, and no more milling of grain.
Isaiah 42:13
- The LORD will march forth like a mighty man; he will come out like a warrior, full of fury. He will shout his thundering battle cry, and he will crush all his enemies.
- He will say, "I have long been silent; yes, I have restrained myself. But now I will give full vent to my fury; I will gasp and pant like a woman giving birth.
- I will level the mountains and hills and bring a blight on all their greenery. I will turn the rivers into dry land and will dry up all the pools.
Isaiah 51:22
- This is what the Sovereign LORD, your God and Defender, says: "See, I am taking the terrible cup from your hands. You will drink no more of my fury. It is gone at last!
- But I will put that cup into the hands of those who tormented you. I will give it to those who trampled you into the dust and walked on your backs."
Isaiah 1:24
- Therefore, the Lord, the LORD Almighty, the Mighty One of Israel, says, "I will pour out my fury on you, my enemies!
Judges 15:7
- "Because you did this," Samson vowed, "I will take my revenge on you, and I won't stop until I'm satisfied!"
Ezekiel 16:42
- "Then at last my fury against you will be spent, and my jealous anger will subside. I will be calm and will not be angry with you anymore.
Ezekiel 16:63
- You will remember your sins and cover your mouth in silence and shame when I forgive you of all that you have done, says the Sovereign LORD."
Jeremiah 51:48
- The heavens and earth will rejoice, for out of the north will come destroying armies against Babylon," says the LORD.
- "Just as Babylon killed the people of Israel and others throughout the world, so must her people be killed.
Isaiah 18:3
- When I raise my battle flag on the mountain, let all the world take notice. When I blow the trumpet, listen!
- For the LORD has told me this: "I will watch quietly from my dwelling place--as quietly as the heat rises on a summer day, or as the dew forms on an autumn morning during the harvest."
Ecclesiastes 10:4
- If your boss is angry with you, don't quit! A quiet spirit can overcome even great mistakes.