Ruth 2:14 Cross References
Ruth 2:14
14: At lunchtime Boaz called to her, "Come over here and help yourself to some of our food. You can dip your bread in the wine if you like." So she sat with his harvesters, and Boaz gave her food--more than she could eat.
Ruth 2:18
- She carried it back into town and showed it to her mother-in-law. Ruth also gave her the food that was left over from her lunch.
Deuteronomy 8:10
- When you have eaten your fill, praise the LORD your God for the good land he has given you.
Matthew 14:20
- They all ate as much as they wanted, and they picked up twelve baskets of leftovers.
2 Kings 4:43
- "What?" his servant exclaimed. "Feed one hundred people with only this?" But Elisha repeated, "Give it to the group of prophets so they can eat, for the LORD says there will be plenty for all. There will even be some left over!"
- And sure enough, there was plenty for all and some left over, just as the LORD had promised.
Luke 14:12
- Then he turned to his host. "When you put on a luncheon or a dinner," he said, "don't invite your friends, brothers, relatives, and rich neighbors. For they will repay you by inviting you back.
- Instead, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind.
- Then at the resurrection of the godly, God will reward you for inviting those who could not repay you."
Isaiah 58:10
- Feed the hungry and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as day.
- The LORD will guide you continually, watering your life when you are dry and keeping you healthy, too. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring.
Isaiah 58:7
- I want you to share your food with the hungry and to welcome poor wanderers into your homes. Give clothes to those who need them, and do not hide from relatives who need your help.
Isaiah 32:8
- But good people will be generous to others and will be blessed for all they do.
Proverbs 11:24
- It is possible to give freely and become more wealthy, but those who are stingy will lose everything.
- The generous prosper and are satisfied; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.
1 Samuel 17:17
- One day Jesse said to David, "Take this half-bushel of roasted grain and these ten loaves of bread to your brothers.
2 Samuel 17:28
- They brought sleeping mats, cooking pots, serving bowls, wheat and barley flour, roasted grain, beans, lentils,
Psalms 23:5
- You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You welcome me as a guest, anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings.
Job 31:16
- "Have I refused to help the poor, or crushed the hopes of widows who looked to me for help?
- Have I been stingy with my food and refused to share it with hungry orphans?
- No, from childhood I have cared for orphans, and all my life I have cared for widows.
- Whenever I saw someone who was homeless and without clothes,
- did they not praise me for providing wool clothing to keep them warm?
Deuteronomy 11:15
- He will give you lush pastureland for your cattle to graze in, and you yourselves will have plenty to eat.
1 Samuel 25:18
- Abigail lost no time. She quickly gathered two hundred loaves of bread, two skins of wine, five dressed sheep, nearly a bushel of roasted grain, one hundred raisin cakes, and two hundred fig cakes. She packed them on donkeys and said to her servants,