Revelation 18:11 Cross References
Revelation 18:11
11: The merchants of the world will weep and mourn for her, for there is no one left to buy their goods.
Revelation 18:3
- For all the nations have drunk the wine of her passionate immorality. The rulers of the world have committed adultery with her, and merchants throughout the world have grown rich as a result of her luxurious living."
Ezekiel 27:27
- Everything is lost--your riches and wares, your sailors and helmsmen, your ship builders, merchants, and warriors. On that day of vast ruin, everyone on board sinks into the depths of the sea.
- "Your cities by the sea tremble as your helmsmen cry out in terror.
- All the oarsmen abandon their ships; the sailors and helmsmen come to stand on the shore.
- They weep bitterly as they throw dust on their heads and roll in ashes.
- They shave their heads in grief because of you and dress themselves in sackcloth. They weep for you with bitter anguish and deep mourning.
Revelation 18:23
- Her nights will be dark, without a single lamp. There will be no happy voices of brides and grooms. This will happen because her merchants, who were the greatest in the world, deceived the nations with her sorceries.
Ezekiel 26:17
- Then they will wail for you, singing this funeral song: `O famous island city, once ruler of the sea, how you have been destroyed! Your people, with their naval power, once spread fear around the world.
- Now the coastlands tremble at your fall. The islands are dismayed as you pass away.'
- "For the Sovereign LORD says: I will make Tyre an uninhabited ruin. You will sink beneath the terrible waves of enemy attack. Great seas will swallow you.
- I will send you to the pit to lie there with those who descended there long ago. Your city will lie in ruins, buried beneath the earth, like those in the pit who have entered the world of the dead. Never again will you be given a position of respect here in the land of the living.
- I will bring you to a terrible end, and you will be no more. You will be looked for, but you will never be found. I, the Sovereign LORD, have spoken!"
Zephaniah 1:11
- Wail in sorrow, all you who live in the market area, for all who buy and sell there will die.
Isaiah 23:1
- This message came to me concerning Tyre: Weep, O ships of Tarshish, returning home from distant lands! Weep for your harbor at Tyre because it is gone! The rumors you heard in Cyprus are all true.
- Mourn in silence, you people of the coast and you merchants of Sidon. Your traders crossed the sea,
- sailing over deep waters. They brought you grain from Egypt and harvests from along the Nile. You were the merchandise mart of the world.
- But now you are put to shame, city of Sidon, fortress on the sea. For the sea says, "Now I am childless; I have no sons or daughters."
- When Egypt hears the news about Tyre, there will be great sorrow.
Revelation 18:20
- But you, O heaven, rejoice over her fate. And you also rejoice, O holy people of God and apostles and prophets! For at last God has judged her on your behalf.
Revelation 18:15
- The merchants who became wealthy by selling her these things will stand at a distance, terrified by her great torment. They will weep and cry.
Revelation 13:16
- He required everyone--great and small, rich and poor, slave and free--to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead.
- And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name.
2 Peter 2:3
- In their greed they will make up clever lies to get hold of your money. But God condemned them long ago, and their destruction is on the way.
John 2:16
- Then, going over to the people who sold doves, he told them, "Get these things out of here. Don't turn my Father's house into a marketplace!"
Revelation 18:9
- And the rulers of the world who took part in her immoral acts and enjoyed her great luxury will mourn for her as they see the smoke rising from her charred remains.
Matthew 22:5
- But the guests he had invited ignored them and went about their business, one to his farm, another to his store.
Isaiah 47:15
- And all your friends, those with whom you have done business since childhood, will slip away and disappear, unable to help.
Zephaniah 1:18
- Your silver and gold will be of no use to you on that day of the LORD's anger. For the whole land will be devoured by the fire of his jealousy. He will make a terrifying end of all the people on earth.
Proverbs 3:14
- For the profit of wisdom is better than silver, and her wages are better than gold.