Psalms 91:3 Cross References
Psalms 91:3
3: For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from the fatal plague.
Psalms 124:7
- We escaped like a bird from a hunter's trap. The trap is broken, and we are free!
Psalms 141:9
- Keep me out of the traps they have set for me, out of the snares of those who do evil.
Job 5:10
- He gives rain for the earth. He sends water for the fields.
- He gives prosperity to the poor and humble, and he takes sufferers to safety.
- He frustrates the plans of the crafty, so their efforts will not succeed.
- He catches those who think they are wise in their own cleverness, so that their cunning schemes are thwarted.
- They grope in the daylight as though they were blind; they see no better in the daytime than at night.
Proverbs 6:5
- Save yourself like a deer escaping from a hunter, like a bird fleeing from a net.
Proverbs 7:23
- awaiting the arrow that would pierce its heart. He was like a bird flying into a snare, little knowing it would cost him his life.
2 Timothy 2:26
- Then they will come to their senses and escape from the Devil's trap. For they have been held captive by him to do whatever he wants.
Numbers 16:46
- And Moses said to Aaron, "Quick, take an incense burner and place burning coals on it from the altar. Lay incense on it and carry it quickly among the people to make atonement for them. The LORD's anger is blazing among them--the plague has already begun."
- Aaron did as Moses told him and ran out among the people. The plague indeed had already begun, but Aaron burned the incense and made atonement for them.
- He stood between the living and the dead until the plague was stopped.
1 Timothy 6:9
- But people who long to be rich fall into temptation and are trapped by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction.
Ecclesiastes 9:12
- People can never predict when hard times might come. Like fish in a net or birds in a snare, people are often caught by sudden tragedy.
Psalms 91:6
- nor dread the plague that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday.
Numbers 14:37
- were struck dead with a plague before the LORD.
- Of the twelve who had explored the land, only Joshua and Caleb remained alive.
1 Kings 8:37
- "If there is a famine in the land, or plagues, or crop disease, or attacks of locusts or caterpillars, or if your people's enemies are in the land besieging their towns--whatever the trouble is--
2 Samuel 24:15
- So the LORD sent a plague upon Israel that morning, and it lasted for three days. Seventy thousand people died throughout the nation.
Amos 3:5
- Does a bird ever get caught in a trap that has no bait? Does a trap ever spring shut when there's nothing there to catch?
Hosea 9:8
- The prophet is a watchman for my God over Israel, yet traps are laid in front of him wherever he goes. He faces hostility even in the house of God.