Psalms 89:41 Cross References
Psalms 89:41
41: Everyone who comes along has robbed him while his neighbors mock.
Psalms 79:4
- We are mocked by our neighbors, an object of scorn and derision to those around us.
Jeremiah 42:18
- "For the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says: `Just as my anger and fury were poured out on the people of Jerusalem, so they will be poured out on you when you enter Egypt. You will become an object of damnation, horror, cursing, and mockery. And you will never see your homeland again.'
Daniel 9:16
- In view of all your faithful mercies, Lord, please turn your furious anger away from your city of Jerusalem, your holy mountain. All the neighboring nations mock Jerusalem and your people because of our sins and the sins of our ancestors.
Lamentations 5:1
- LORD, remember everything that has happened to us. See all the sorrows we bear!
Jeremiah 50:17
- "The Israelites are like sheep that have been scattered by lions. First the king of Assyria ate them up. Then King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon cracked their bones."
Isaiah 10:6
- Assyria will enslave my people, who are a godless nation. It will plunder them, trampling them like dirt beneath its feet.
Psalms 74:10
- How long, O God, will you allow our enemies to mock you? Will you let them dishonor your name forever?
Psalms 44:10
- You make us retreat from our enemies and allow them to plunder our land.
- You have treated us like sheep waiting to be slaughtered; you have scattered us among the nations.
- You sold us--your precious people--for a pittance. You valued us at nothing at all.
- You have caused all our neighbors to mock us. We are an object of scorn and derision to the nations around us.
- You have made us the butt of their jokes; we are scorned by the whole world.
Jeremiah 24:9
- I will make them an object of horror and evil to every nation on earth. They will be disgraced and mocked, taunted and cursed, wherever I send them.
Jeremiah 44:12
- I will take this remnant of Judah that insisted on coming here to Egypt, and I will consume them. They will fall here in Egypt, killed by war and famine. All will die, from the least to the greatest. They will be an object of damnation, horror, cursing, and mockery.
Psalms 80:13
- The boar from the forest devours us, and the wild animals feed on us.
Jeremiah 44:8
- Why arouse my anger by burning incense to the idols you have made here in Egypt? You will only destroy yourselves and make yourselves an object of cursing and mockery for all the nations of the earth.
Jeremiah 29:18
- Yes, I will pursue them with war, famine, and disease, and I will scatter them around the world. In every nation where I send them, I will make them an object of damnation, horror, contempt, and mockery.
Deuteronomy 28:37
- You will become an object of horror, a proverb and a mockery among all the nations to which the LORD sends you.
Ezekiel 5:14
- "So I will turn you into a ruin, a mockery in the eyes of the surrounding nations and to everyone who travels by.
- You will become an object of mockery and taunting and horror. You will be a warning to all the nations around you. They will see what happens when the LORD turns against a nation in furious rebuke. I, the LORD, have spoken!
Nehemiah 5:9
- Then I pressed further, "What you are doing is not right! Should you not walk in the fear of our God in order to avoid being mocked by enemy nations?