Psalms 86:17 Cross References
Psalms 86:17
17: Send me a sign of your favor. Then those who hate me will be put to shame, for you, O LORD, help and comfort me.
Psalms 71:20
- You have allowed me to suffer much hardship, but you will restore me to life again and lift me up from the depths of the earth.
- You will restore me to even greater honor and comfort me once again.
Judges 6:17
- Gideon replied, "If you are truly going to help me, show me a sign to prove that it is really the LORD speaking to me.
Psalms 41:10
- LORD, have mercy on me. Make me well again, so I can pay them back!
- I know that you are pleased with me, for you have not let my enemy triumph over me.
Psalms 40:1
- I waited patiently for the LORD to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry.
Micah 7:8
- Do not gloat over me, my enemies! For though I fall, I will rise again. Though I sit in darkness, the LORD himself will be my light.
- I will be patient as the LORD punishes me, for I have sinned against him. But after that, he will take up my case and punish my enemies for all the evil they have done to me. The LORD will bring me out of my darkness into the light, and I will see his righteousness.
- Then my enemies will see that the LORD is on my side. They will be ashamed that they taunted me, saying, "Where is the LORD--that God of yours?" With my own eyes I will see them trampled down like mud in the streets.
Isaiah 38:22
- And Hezekiah had asked, "What sign will prove that I will go to the Temple of the LORD three days from now?"
Psalms 109:29
- Make their humiliation obvious to all; clothe my accusers with disgrace.
1 Corinthians 5:5
- Then you must cast this man out of the church and into Satan's hands, so that his sinful nature will be destroyed and he himself will be saved when the Lord returns.
Psalms 71:9
- And now, in my old age, don't set me aside. Don't abandon me when my strength is failing.
- For my enemies are whispering against me. They are plotting together to kill me.
- They say, "God has abandoned him. Let's go and get him, for there is no one to help him now."
- O God, don't stay away. My God, please hurry to help me.
- Bring disgrace and destruction on those who accuse me. May humiliation and shame cover those who want to harm me.
Psalms 74:9
- We see no miraculous signs as evidence that you will save us. All the prophets are gone; no one can tell us when it will end.