Psalms 78:53 Cross References
Psalms 78:53
53: He kept them safe so they were not afraid; but the sea closed in upon their enemies.
Exodus 14:27
- So as the sun began to rise, Moses raised his hand over the sea. The water roared back into its usual place, and the LORD swept the terrified Egyptians into the surging currents.
- The waters covered all the chariots and charioteers--the entire army of Pharaoh. Of all the Egyptians who had chased the Israelites into the sea, not a single one survived.
Exodus 14:19
- Then the angel of God, who had been leading the people of Israel, moved to a position behind them, and the pillar of cloud also moved around behind them.
- The cloud settled between the Israelite and Egyptian camps. As night came, the pillar of cloud turned into a pillar of fire, lighting the Israelite camp. But the cloud became darkness to the Egyptians, and they couldn't find the Israelites.
Exodus 15:10
- But with a blast of your breath, the sea covered them. They sank like lead in the mighty waters.
Exodus 14:15
- Then the LORD said to Moses, "Why are you crying out to me? Tell the people to get moving!
Hebrews 11:29
- It was by faith that the people of Israel went right through the Red Sea as though they were on dry ground. But when the Egyptians followed, they were all drowned.
Psalms 136:15
- but he hurled Pharaoh and his army into the sea. His faithful love endures forever.