Psalms 55:11 Cross References
Psalms 55:11
11: Murder and robbery are everywhere there; threats and cheating are rampant in the streets.
Psalms 10:7
- Their mouths are full of cursing, lies, and threats. Trouble and evil are on the tips of their tongues.
Jeremiah 5:26
- "Among my people are wicked men who lie in wait for victims like a hunter hiding in a blind. They are continually setting traps for other people.
- Like a cage filled with birds, their homes are filled with evil plots. And the result? Now they are great and rich.
Psalms 5:9
- My enemies cannot speak one truthful word. Their deepest desire is to destroy others. Their talk is foul, like the stench from an open grave. Their speech is filled with flattery.
Jeremiah 9:3
- "My people bend their tongues like bows to shoot lies. They refuse to stand up for the truth. And they only go from bad to worse! They care nothing for me," says the LORD.
- "Beware of your neighbor! Beware of your brother! They all take advantage of one another and spread their slanderous lies.
- They all fool and defraud each other; no one tells the truth. With practiced tongues they tell lies; they wear themselves out with all their sinning.
Psalms 109:2
- while the wicked slander me and tell lies about me.
- They are all around me with their hateful words, and they fight against me for no reason.
Isaiah 59:7
- Their feet run to do evil, and they rush to commit murder. They think only about sinning. Wherever they go, misery and destruction follow them.
Acts 7:51
- "You stubborn people! You are heathen at heart and deaf to the truth. Must you forever resist the Holy Spirit? But your ancestors did, and so do you!
- Name one prophet your ancestors didn't persecute! They even killed the ones who predicted the coming of the Righteous One--the Messiah whom you betrayed and murdered.
Ezekiel 22:1
- Now this message came to me from the LORD:
- "Son of man, are you ready to judge Jerusalem? Are you ready to judge this city of murderers? Denounce her terrible deeds in public,
- and give her this message from the Sovereign LORD: O city of murderers, doomed and damned--city of idols, filthy and foul--
- you are guilty of both murder and idolatry. Your day of destruction has come! You have reached the end of your years. I will make you an object of mockery throughout the world.
- O infamous city, filled with confusion, you will be mocked by people both far and near.
Matthew 26:4
- to discuss how to capture Jesus secretly and put him to death.