Psalms 50:22 Cross References
Psalms 50:22
22: Repent, all of you who ignore me, or I will tear you apart, and no one will help you.
Psalms 9:17
- The wicked will go down to the grave. This is the fate of all the nations who ignore God.
Job 8:13
- Such is the fate of all who forget God. The hope of the godless comes to nothing.
Psalms 7:2
- If you don't, they will maul me like a lion, tearing me to pieces with no one to rescue me.
Jeremiah 2:32
- Does a young woman forget her jewelry? Does a bride hide her wedding dress? No! Yet for years on end my people have forgotten me.
Luke 15:17
- "When he finally came to his senses, he said to himself, 'At home even the hired men have food enough to spare, and here I am, dying of hunger!
Ezekiel 18:28
- They will live, because after thinking it over, they decided to turn from their sins. Such people will not die.
Isaiah 51:13
- Yet you have forgotten the LORD, your Creator, the one who put the stars in the sky and established the earth. Will you remain in constant dread of human oppression? Will you continue to fear the anger of your enemies from morning till night?
Deuteronomy 32:18
- You neglected the Rock who had fathered you; you forgot the God who had given you birth.
Hosea 4:6
- My people are being destroyed because they don't know me. It is all your fault, you priests, for you yourselves refuse to know me. Now I refuse to recognize you as my priests. Since you have forgotten the laws of your God, I will forget to bless your children.
Haggai 1:5
- This is what the LORD Almighty says: Consider how things are going for you!
Amos 2:14
- Your fastest runners will not get away. The strongest among you will become weak. Even the mightiest warriors will be unable to save themselves.
Ecclesiastes 7:14
- Enjoy prosperity while you can. But when hard times strike, realize that both come from God. That way you will realize that nothing is certain in this life.
Revelation 6:16
- And they cried to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of the one who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb.
- For the great day of their wrath has come, and who will be able to survive?"
Micah 5:8
- The remnant of Israel will go out among the nations and be as strong as a lion. And the other nations will be like helpless sheep, with no one to rescue them.
2 Samuel 22:42
- They called for help, but no one came to rescue them. They cried to the LORD, but he refused to answer them.
Psalms 10:4
- These wicked people are too proud to seek God. They seem to think that God is dead.
Hosea 5:14
- I will tear at Israel and Judah as a lion rips apart its prey. I will carry them off, and there will be no one left to rescue them.
Hosea 13:8
- I will rip you to pieces like a bear whose cubs have been taken away. I will tear you apart and devour you like a hungry lion.