Psalms 35:5 Cross References
Psalms 35:5
5: Blow them away like chaff in the wind--a wind sent by the angel of the LORD.
Job 21:18
- Are they driven before the wind like straw? Are they carried away by the storm? Not at all!
Isaiah 29:5
- "But suddenly, your ruthless enemies will be driven away like chaff before the wind.
Psalms 1:4
- But this is not true of the wicked. They are like worthless chaff, scattered by the wind.
Hosea 13:3
- Therefore, they will disappear like the morning mist, like dew in the morning sun, like chaff blown by the wind, like smoke from a chimney.
Isaiah 17:13
- But though they roar like breakers on a beach, God will silence them. They will flee like chaff scattered by the wind or like dust whirling before a storm.
Isaiah 37:36
- That night the angel of the LORD went out to the Assyrian camp and killed 185,000 Assyrian troops. When the surviving Assyrians woke up the next morning, they found corpses everywhere.
Acts 12:23
- Instantly, an angel of the Lord struck Herod with a sickness, because he accepted the people's worship instead of giving the glory to God. So he was consumed with worms and died.
Hebrews 11:28
- It was by faith that Moses commanded the people of Israel to keep the Passover and to sprinkle blood on the doorposts so that the angel of death would not kill their firstborn sons.
Exodus 14:19
- Then the angel of God, who had been leading the people of Israel, moved to a position behind them, and the pillar of cloud also moved around behind them.
Psalms 83:13
- O my God, blow them away like whirling dust, like chaff before the wind!
- As a fire roars through a forest and as a flame sets mountains ablaze,
- chase them with your fierce storms; terrify them with your tempests.
- Utterly disgrace them until they submit to your name, O LORD.
- Let them be ashamed and terrified forever. Make them failures in everything they do,