Psalms 33:13 Cross References
Psalms 33:13
13: The LORD looks down from heaven and sees the whole human race.
Job 28:24
- for he looks throughout the whole earth, under all the heavens.
Psalms 11:4
- But the LORD is in his holy Temple; the LORD still rules from heaven. He watches everything closely, examining everyone on earth.
Jeremiah 23:23
- Am I a God who is only in one place?" asks the LORD. "Do they think I cannot see what they are doing?
- Can anyone hide from me? Am I not everywhere in all the heavens and earth?" asks the LORD.
2 Chronicles 16:9
- The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. What a fool you have been! From now on, you will be at war."
Hebrews 4:13
- Nothing in all creation can hide from him. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes. This is the God to whom we must explain all that we have done.
Psalms 14:2
- The LORD looks down from heaven on the entire human race; he looks to see if there is even one with real understanding, one who seeks for God.
Proverbs 15:3
- The LORD is watching everywhere, keeping his eye on both the evil and the good.
Psalms 53:2
- God looks down from heaven on the entire human race; he looks to see if there is even one with real understanding, one who seeks for God.
Psalms 102:19
- Tell them the LORD looked down from his heavenly sanctuary. He looked to the earth from heaven
Lamentations 3:50
- until the LORD looks down from heaven and sees.
Genesis 6:12
- God observed all this corruption in the world, and he saw violence and depravity everywhere.