Psalms 3:6 Cross References
Psalms 3:6
6: I am not afraid of ten thousand enemies who surround me on every side.
Psalms 118:10
- Though hostile nations surrounded me, I destroyed them all in the name of the LORD.
- Yes, they surrounded and attacked me, but I destroyed them all in the name of the LORD.
- They swarmed around me like bees; they blazed against me like a roaring flame. But I destroyed them all in the name of the LORD.
Romans 8:31
- What can we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us?
2 Kings 6:15
- When the servant of the man of God got up early the next morning and went outside, there were troops, horses, and chariots everywhere. "Ah, my lord, what will we do now?" he cried out to Elisha.
- "Don't be afraid!" Elisha told him. "For there are more on our side than on theirs!"
- Then Elisha prayed, "O LORD, open his eyes and let him see!" The LORD opened his servant's eyes, and when he looked up, he saw that the hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire.
Psalms 27:1
- The LORD is my light and my salvation--so why should I be afraid? The LORD protects me from danger--so why should I tremble?
- When evil people come to destroy me, when my enemies and foes attack me, they will stumble and fall.
- Though a mighty army surrounds me, my heart will know no fear. Even if they attack me, I remain confident.
Psalms 23:4
- Even when I walk through the dark valley of death, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.
2 Samuel 18:7
- and the Israelite troops were beaten back by David's men. There was a great slaughter, and twenty thousand men laid down their lives that day.
Psalms 46:7
- The LORD Almighty is here among us; the God of Israel is our fortress.
Psalms 46:2
- So we will not fear, even if earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea.
Psalms 2:2
- The kings of the earth prepare for battle; the rulers plot together against the LORD and against his anointed one.