Psalms 29:9 Cross References
Psalms 29:9
9: The voice of the LORD twists mighty oaks and strips the forests bare. In his Temple everyone shouts, "Glory!"
Job 39:1
- "Do you know when the mountain goats give birth? Have you watched as the wild deer are born?
- Do you know how many months they carry their young? Are you aware of the time of their delivery?
- They crouch down to give birth to their young and deliver their offspring.
Psalms 48:9
- O God, we meditate on your unfailing love as we worship in your Temple.
Psalms 46:2
- So we will not fear, even if earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea.
- Let the oceans roar and foam. Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge!
- A river brings joy to the city of our God, the sacred home of the Most High.
- God himself lives in that city; it cannot be destroyed. God will protect it at the break of day.
Ezekiel 20:46
- "Son of man, look toward the south and speak out against it; prophesy against the fields of the Negev.
- Give the southern wilderness this message from the Sovereign LORD: Hear the word of the LORD! I will set you on fire, O forest, and every tree will be burned--green and dry trees alike. The terrible flames will not be quenched; they will scorch everything from south to north.
- And all the world will see that I, the LORD, have set this fire. It will not be put out."
Psalms 26:8
- I love your sanctuary, LORD, the place where your glory shines.
Psalms 134:1
- Oh, bless the LORD, all you servants of the LORD, you who serve as night watchmen in the house of the LORD.
- Lift your hands in holiness, and bless the LORD.
Isaiah 10:18
- Assyria's vast army is like a glorious forest, yet it will be destroyed. The LORD will completely destroy Assyria's warriors, and they will waste away like sick people in a plague.
- Only a few from all that mighty army will survive--so few that a child could count them!
Isaiah 9:18
- This wickedness is like a brushfire. It burns not only briers and thorns but the forests, too. Its burning sends up vast clouds of smoke.
Psalms 135:1
- Praise the LORD! Praise the name of the LORD! Praise him, you who serve the LORD,
- you who serve in the house of the LORD, in the courts of the house of our God.
Psalms 63:2
- I have seen you in your sanctuary and gazed upon your power and glory.