Psalms 148:8 Cross References
Psalms 148:8
8: fire and hail, snow and storm, wind and weather that obey him,
Psalms 147:15
- He sends his orders to the world--how swiftly his word flies!
- He sends the snow like white wool; he scatters frost upon the ground like ashes.
- He hurls the hail like stones. Who can stand against his freezing cold?
- Then, at his command, it all melts. He sends his winds, and the ice thaws.
Amos 4:13
- For the LORD is the one who shaped the mountains, stirs up the winds, and reveals his every thought. He turns the light of dawn into darkness and treads the mountains under his feet. The LORD God Almighty is his name!
Revelation 16:21
- There was a terrible hailstorm, and hailstones weighing seventy-five pounds fell from the sky onto the people below. They cursed God because of the hailstorm, which was a very terrible plague.
Psalms 18:12
- The brilliance of his presence broke through the clouds, raining down hail and burning coals.
Psalms 107:25
- He spoke, and the winds rose, stirring up the waves.
- Their ships were tossed to the heavens and sank again to the depths; the sailors cringed in terror.
- They reeled and staggered like drunkards and were at their wits' end.
- "LORD, help!" they cried in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress.
- He calmed the storm to a whisper and stilled the waves.
Revelation 16:8
- Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, causing it to scorch everyone with its fire.
- Everyone was burned by this blast of heat, and they cursed the name of God, who sent all of these plagues. They did not repent and give him glory.
Exodus 14:21
- Then Moses raised his hand over the sea, and the LORD opened up a path through the water with a strong east wind. The wind blew all that night, turning the seabed into dry land.
Job 37:2
- Listen carefully to the thunder of God's voice as it rolls from his mouth.
- It rolls across the heavens, and his lightning flashes out in every direction.
- Then comes the roaring of the thunder--the tremendous voice of his majesty. He does not restrain the thunder when he speaks.
- God's voice is glorious in the thunder. We cannot comprehend the greatness of his power.
- "He directs the snow to fall on the earth and tells the rain to pour down.
Isaiah 66:16
- The LORD will punish the world by fire and by his sword, and many will be killed by the LORD.
Exodus 10:19
- The LORD responded by sending a strong west wind that blew the locusts out into the Red Sea. Not a single locust remained in all the land of Egypt.
Joel 2:30
- "I will cause wonders in the heavens and on the earth--blood and fire and pillars of smoke.
Numbers 16:35
- Then fire blazed forth from the LORD and burned up the 250 men who were offering incense.
Jonah 1:4
- But as the ship was sailing along, suddenly the LORD flung a powerful wind over the sea, causing a violent storm that threatened to send them to the bottom.
Exodus 10:13
- So Moses raised his staff, and the LORD caused an east wind to blow all that day and through the night. When morning arrived, the east wind had brought the locusts.
Job 38:22
- "Have you visited the treasuries of the snow? Have you seen where the hail is made and stored?
- I have reserved it for the time of trouble, for the day of battle and war.
- Where is the path to the origin of light? Where is the home of the east wind?
- "Who created a channel for the torrents of rain? Who laid out the path for the lightning?
- Who makes the rain fall on barren land, in a desert where no one lives?
Leviticus 10:2
- So fire blazed forth from the LORD's presence and burned them up, and they died there before the LORD.
Matthew 8:24
- Suddenly, a terrible storm came up, with waves breaking into the boat. But Jesus was sleeping.
- The disciples went to him and woke him up, shouting, "Lord, save us! We're going to drown!"
- And Jesus answered, "Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!" Then he stood up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly all was calm.
- The disciples just sat there in awe. "Who is this?" they asked themselves. "Even the wind and waves obey him!"
Amos 7:4
- Then the Sovereign LORD showed me another vision. I saw him preparing to punish his people with a great fire. The fire had burned up the depths of the sea and was devouring the entire land.
Joshua 10:11
- As the Amorites retreated down the road from Beth-horon, the LORD destroyed them with a terrible hailstorm that continued until they reached Azekah. The hail killed more of the enemy than the Israelites killed with the sword.
Exodus 9:23
- So Moses lifted his staff toward the sky, and the LORD sent thunder and hail, and lightning struck the earth. The LORD sent a tremendous hailstorm against all the land of Egypt.
- Never in all the history of Egypt had there been a storm like that, with such severe hail and continuous lightning.
- It left all of Egypt in ruins. Everything left in the fields was destroyed--people, animals, and crops alike. Even all the trees were destroyed.
Genesis 19:24
- Then the LORD rained down fire and burning sulfur from the heavens on Sodom and Gomorrah.
Psalms 103:20
- Praise the LORD, you angels of his, you mighty creatures who carry out his plans, listening for each of his commands.