Psalms 129:4 Cross References
Psalms 129:4
4: But the LORD is good; he has cut the cords used by the ungodly to bind me.
Psalms 119:137
- O LORD, you are righteous, and your decisions are fair.
Lamentations 3:22
- The unfailing love of the LORD never ends! By his mercies we have been kept from complete destruction.
Lamentations 1:18
- "And the LORD is right," she groans, "for I rebelled against him. Listen, people everywhere; look upon my anguish and despair, for my sons and daughters have been taken captive to distant lands.
Psalms 124:6
- Blessed be the LORD, who did not let their teeth tear us apart!
- We escaped like a bird from a hunter's trap. The trap is broken, and we are free!
Ezra 9:15
- O LORD, God of Israel, you are just. We stand before you in our guilt as nothing but an escaped remnant, though in such a condition none of us can stand in your presence."
Nehemiah 9:33
- Every time you punished us you were being just. We have sinned greatly, and you gave us only what we deserved.
Daniel 9:7
- "Lord, you are in the right; but our faces are covered with shame, just as you see us now. This is true of us all, including the people of Judah and Jerusalem and all Israel, scattered near and far, wherever you have driven us because of our disloyalty to you.
Psalms 140:5
- The proud have set a trap to catch me; they have stretched out a net; they have placed traps all along the way.
- I said to the LORD, "You are my God!" Listen, O LORD, to my cries for mercy!
- O Sovereign LORD, my strong savior, you protected me on the day of battle.
- LORD, do not give in to their evil desires. Do not let their evil schemes succeed, O God.
- Let my enemies be destroyed by the very evil they have planned for me.