Psalms 122:5 Cross References
Psalms 122:5
5: Here stand the thrones where judgment is given, the thrones of the dynasty of David.
Deuteronomy 17:8
- "Suppose a case arises in a local court that is too hard for you to decide--for instance, whether someone is guilty of murder or only of manslaughter, or a difficult lawsuit, or a case involving different kinds of assault. Take such cases to the place the LORD your God will choose,
2 Chronicles 19:8
- Jehoshaphat appointed some of the Levites and priests and clan leaders in Israel to serve as judges in Jerusalem for cases concerning both the law of the LORD and civil disputes.
2 Chronicles 11:22
- Rehoboam made Maacah's son Abijah chief among the princes, making it clear that he would be the next king.
Deuteronomy 17:18
- "When he sits on the throne as king, he must copy these laws on a scroll for himself in the presence of the Levitical priests.
2 Samuel 8:18
- Benaiah son of Jehoiada was captain of the king's bodyguard. David's sons served as priestly leaders.