Psalms 119:6 Cross References
Psalms 119:6
6: Then I will not be disgraced when I compare my life with your commands.
1 John 2:28
- And now, dear children, continue to live in fellowship with Christ so that when he returns, you will be full of courage and not shrink back from him in shame.
Job 22:26
- "Then you will delight yourself in the Almighty and look up to God.
John 15:14
- You are my friends if you obey me.
Psalms 119:80
- May I be blameless in keeping your principles; then I will never have to be ashamed.
Psalms 119:128
- Truly, each of your commandments is right. That is why I hate every false way.
James 2:10
- And the person who keeps all of the laws except one is as guilty as the person who has broken all of God's laws.
Daniel 12:2
- Many of those whose bodies lie dead and buried will rise up, some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
- Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who turn many to righteousness will shine like stars forever.
Psalms 119:31
- I cling to your decrees. LORD, don't let me be put to shame!
1 John 3:20
- even if our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.
- Dear friends, if our conscience is clear, we can come to God with bold confidence.