Psalms 107:39 Cross References
Psalms 107:39
39: When they decrease in number and become impoverished through oppression, trouble, and sorrow,
2 Kings 10:32
- At about that time the LORD began to reduce the size of Israel's territory. King Hazael conquered several sections of the country
Job 1:10
- You have always protected him and his home and his property from harm. You have made him prosperous in everything he does. Look how rich he is!
- But take away everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face!"
- "All right, you may test him," the LORD said to Satan. "Do whatever you want with everything he possesses, but don't harm him physically." So Satan left the LORD's presence.
- One day when Job's sons and daughters were dining at the oldest brother's house,
- a messenger arrived at Job's home with this news: "Your oxen were plowing, with the donkeys feeding beside them,
Judges 6:3
- Whenever the Israelites planted their crops, marauders from Midian, Amalek, and the people of the east would attack Israel,
- camping in the land and destroying crops as far away as Gaza. They left the Israelites with nothing to eat, taking all the sheep, oxen, and donkeys.
- These enemy hordes, coming with their cattle and tents as thick as locusts, arrived on droves of camels too numerous to count. And they stayed until the land was stripped bare.
- So Israel was reduced to starvation by the Midianites. Then the Israelites cried out to the LORD for help.
Psalms 30:6
- When I was prosperous I said, "Nothing can stop me now!"
- Your favor, O LORD, made me as secure as a mountain. Then you turned away from me, and I was shattered.
2 Kings 8:3
- After the famine ended she returned to the land of Israel, and she went to see the king about getting back her house and land.
2 Kings 4:8
- One day Elisha went to the town of Shunem. A wealthy woman lived there, and she invited him to eat some food. From then on, whenever he passed that way, he would stop there to eat.
Jeremiah 51:33
- For the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says: "Babylon is like wheat on a threshing floor, about to be trampled. In just a little while her harvest will begin."
- "King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon has eaten and crushed us and emptied out our strength. He has swallowed us like a great monster and filled his belly with our riches. He has thrown us out of our own country.
Ruth 1:20
- "Don't call me Naomi," she told them. "Instead, call me Mara, for the Almighty has made life very bitter for me.
- I went away full, but the LORD has brought me home empty. Why should you call me Naomi when the LORD has caused me to suffer and the Almighty has sent such tragedy?"
2 Kings 13:7
- Finally, Jehoahaz's army was reduced to fifty mounted troops, ten chariots, and ten thousand foot soldiers. The king of Aram had killed the others like they were dust under his feet.
2 Kings 14:26
- For the LORD saw the bitter suffering of everyone in Israel, and how they had absolutely no one to help them.
2 Chronicles 15:5
- During those dark times, it was not safe to travel. Problems troubled the nation on every hand.
- Nation fought against nation, and city against city, for God was troubling you with every kind of problem.
1 Samuel 2:5
- Those who were well fed are now starving; and those who were starving are now full. The barren woman now has seven children; but the woman with many children will have no more.
- The LORD brings both death and life; he brings some down to the grave but raises others up.
- The LORD makes one poor and another rich; he brings one down and lifts another up.
Exodus 2:23
- Years passed, and the king of Egypt died. But the Israelites still groaned beneath their burden of slavery. They cried out for help, and their pleas for deliverance rose up to God.
- God heard their cries and remembered his covenant promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Exodus 1:13
- and decided to make their slavery more bitter still.
- They were ruthless with the Israelites, forcing them to make bricks and mortar and to work long hours in the fields.
2 Kings 13:22
- King Hazael of Aram had oppressed Israel during the entire reign of King Jehoahaz.
Genesis 45:11
- I will take care of you there, for there are still five years of famine ahead of us. Otherwise you and your household will come to utter poverty.'"