Psalms 106:40 Cross References
Psalms 106:40
40: That is why the LORD's anger burned against his people, and he abhorred his own special possession.
Judges 2:14
- This made the LORD burn with anger against Israel, so he handed them over to marauders who stole their possessions. He sold them to their enemies all around, and they were no longer able to resist them.
Deuteronomy 9:29
- But they are your people and your special possession, whom you brought from Egypt by your mighty power and glorious strength.'
Deuteronomy 32:19
- "The LORD saw this and was filled with loathing. He was provoked to anger by his own sons and daughters.
Leviticus 20:23
- Do not live by the customs of the people whom I will expel before you. It is because they do these terrible things that I detest them so much.
Psalms 78:59
- When God heard them, he was very angry, and he rejected Israel completely.
- Then he abandoned his dwelling at Shiloh, the Tabernacle where he had lived among the people.
- He allowed the Ark of his might to be captured; he surrendered his glory into enemy hands.
- He gave his people over to be butchered by the sword, because he was so angry with his own people--his special possession.
Nehemiah 9:27
- So you handed them over to their enemies. But in their time of trouble they cried to you, and you heard them from heaven. In great mercy, you sent them deliverers who rescued them from their enemies.
- "But when all was going well, your people turned to sin again, and once more you let their enemies conquer them. Yet whenever your people cried to you again for help, you listened once more from heaven. In your wonderful mercy, you rescued them repeatedly!
- You warned them to return to your law, but they became proud and obstinate and disobeyed your commands. They did not follow your regulations, by which people will find life if only they obey. They stubbornly turned their backs on you and refused to listen.
- In your love, you were patient with them for many years. You sent your Spirit, who, through the prophets, warned them about their sins. But still they wouldn't listen! So once again you allowed the pagan inhabitants of the land to conquer them.
- But in your great mercy, you did not destroy them completely or abandon them forever. What a gracious and merciful God you are!
Zechariah 11:8
- I got rid of their three evil shepherds in a single month. But I became impatient with these sheep--this nation--and they hated me, too.
Lamentations 2:7
- The Lord has rejected his own altar; he despises his own sanctuary. He has given Jerusalem's palaces to her enemies. They shout in the LORD's Temple as though it were a day of celebration.
Psalms 74:1
- O God, why have you rejected us forever? Why is your anger so intense against the sheep of your own pasture?
Judges 2:20
- So the LORD burned with anger against Israel. He said, "Because these people have violated the covenant I made with their ancestors and have ignored my commands,
Judges 3:8
- Then the LORD burned with anger against Israel, and he handed them over to King Cushan-rishathaim of Aram-naharaim. And the Israelites were subject to Cushan-rishathaim for eight years.