Psalms 106:33 Cross References
Psalms 106:33
33: They made Moses angry, and he spoke foolishly.
Numbers 20:10
- Then he and Aaron summoned the people to come and gather at the rock. "Listen, you rebels!" he shouted. "Must we bring you water from this rock?"
- Then Moses raised his hand and struck the rock twice with the staff, and water gushed out. So all the people and their livestock drank their fill.
Psalms 39:1
- I said to myself, "I will watch what I do and not sin in what I say. I will curb my tongue when the ungodly are around me."
James 3:2
- We all make many mistakes, but those who control their tongues can also control themselves in every other way.
Job 2:10
- But Job replied, "You talk like a godless woman. Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?" So in all this, Job said nothing wrong.
Psalms 78:40
- Oh, how often they rebelled against him in the desert and grieved his heart in the wilderness.
Genesis 35:16
- Leaving Bethel, they traveled on toward Ephrath (that is, Bethlehem). But Rachel's pains of childbirth began while they were still some distance away.
- After a very hard delivery, the midwife finally exclaimed, "Don't be afraid--you have another son!"
- Rachel was about to die, but with her last breath she named him Ben-oni; the baby's father, however, called him Benjamin.
Psalms 107:11
- They rebelled against the words of God, scorning the counsel of the Most High.
Job 40:4
- "I am nothing--how could I ever find the answers? I will put my hand over my mouth in silence.
- I have said too much already. I have nothing more to say."
Psalms 141:3
- Take control of what I say, O LORD, and keep my lips sealed.
Genesis 30:1
- When Rachel saw that she wasn't having any children, she became jealous of her sister. "Give me children, or I'll die!" she exclaimed to Jacob.
Job 38:2
- "Who is this that questions my wisdom with such ignorant words?
Job 42:7
- After the LORD had finished speaking to Job, he said to Eliphaz the Temanite: "I am angry with you and with your two friends, for you have not been right in what you said about me, as my servant Job was.
- Now take seven young bulls and seven rams and go to my servant Job and offer a burnt offering for yourselves. My servant Job will pray for you, and I will accept his prayer on your behalf. I will not treat you as you deserve, for you have not been right in what you said about me, as my servant Job was."