Psalms 106:22 Cross References
Psalms 106:22
22: such wonderful things in that land, such awesome deeds at the Red Sea.
Psalms 78:51
- He killed the oldest son in each Egyptian family, the flower of youth throughout the land of Egypt.
Exodus 14:25
- Their chariot wheels began to come off, making their chariots impossible to drive. "Let's get out of here!" the Egyptians shouted. "The LORD is fighting for Israel against us!"
- When all the Israelites were on the other side, the LORD said to Moses, "Raise your hand over the sea again. Then the waters will rush back over the Egyptian chariots and charioteers."
- So as the sun began to rise, Moses raised his hand over the sea. The water roared back into its usual place, and the LORD swept the terrified Egyptians into the surging currents.
- The waters covered all the chariots and charioteers--the entire army of Pharaoh. Of all the Egyptians who had chased the Israelites into the sea, not a single one survived.
Psalms 105:23
- Then Israel arrived in Egypt; Jacob lived as a foreigner in the land of Ham.
Exodus 15:10
- But with a blast of your breath, the sea covered them. They sank like lead in the mighty waters.
Psalms 105:27
- They performed miraculous signs among the Egyptians, and miracles in the land of Ham.
- The LORD blanketed Egypt in darkness, for they had defied his commands to let his people go.
- He turned the nation's water into blood, poisoning all the fish.
- Then frogs overran the land; they were found even in the king's private rooms.
- When he spoke, flies descended on the Egyptians, and gnats swarmed across Egypt.