Proverbs 4:17 Cross References
Proverbs 4:17
17: They eat wickedness and drink violence!
Micah 6:12
- The rich among you have become wealthy through extortion and violence. Your citizens are so used to lying that their tongues can no longer tell the truth.
Proverbs 9:17
- "Stolen water is refreshing; food eaten in secret tastes the best!"
Psalms 14:4
- Will those who do evil never learn? They eat up my people like bread; they wouldn't think of praying to the LORD.
Job 24:5
- Like the wild donkeys in the desert, the poor must spend all their time just getting enough to keep body and soul together. They go into the desert to search for food for their children.
- They harvest a field they do not own, and they glean in the vineyards of the wicked.
Zephaniah 3:3
- Its leaders are like roaring lions hunting for their victims--out for everything they can get. Its judges are like ravenous wolves at evening time, who by dawn have left no trace of their prey.
Amos 8:4
- Listen to this, you who rob the poor and trample the needy!
- You can't wait for the Sabbath day to be over and the religious festivals to end so you can get back to cheating the helpless. You measure out your grain in false measures and weigh it out on dishonest scales.
- And you mix the wheat you sell with chaff swept from the floor! Then you enslave poor people for a debt of one piece of silver or a pair of sandals.
Matthew 23:13
- "How terrible it will be for you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you won't let others enter the Kingdom of Heaven, and you won't go in yourselves.
Jeremiah 5:26
- "Among my people are wicked men who lie in wait for victims like a hunter hiding in a blind. They are continually setting traps for other people.
- Like a cage filled with birds, their homes are filled with evil plots. And the result? Now they are great and rich.
- They are well fed and well groomed, and there is no limit to their wicked deeds. They refuse justice to orphans and deny the rights of the poor.
James 5:4
- For listen! Hear the cries of the field workers whom you have cheated of their pay. The wages you held back cry out against you. The cries of the reapers have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty.
- You have spent your years on earth in luxury, satisfying your every whim. Now your hearts are nice and fat, ready for the slaughter.
Ezekiel 22:25
- Your princes plot conspiracies just as lions stalk their prey. They devour innocent people, seizing treasures and extorting wealth. They increase the number of widows in the land.
- Your priests have violated my laws and defiled my holy things. To them there is no difference between what is holy and what is not. And they do not teach my people the difference between what is ceremonially clean and unclean. They disregard my Sabbath days so that my holy name is greatly dishonored among them.
- Your leaders are like wolves, who tear apart their victims. They actually destroy people's lives for profit!
- And your prophets announce false visions and speak false messages. They say, `My message is from the Sovereign LORD,' when the LORD hasn't spoken a single word to them. They repair cracked walls with whitewash!
- Even common people oppress the poor, rob the needy, and deprive foreigners of justice.
Micah 3:5
- This is what the LORD says to you false prophets: "You are leading my people astray! You promise peace for those who give you food, but you declare war on anyone who refuses to pay you.
Proverbs 20:17
- Stolen bread tastes sweet, but it turns to gravel in the mouth.