Proverbs 24:8 Cross References
Proverbs 24:8
8: A person who plans evil will get a reputation as a troublemaker.
Psalms 21:11
- Although they plot against you, their evil schemes will never succeed.
Proverbs 6:18
- a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong,
Proverbs 6:14
- Their perverted hearts plot evil. They stir up trouble constantly.
Proverbs 14:22
- If you plot evil, you will be lost; but if you plan good, you will be granted unfailing love and faithfulness.
Romans 1:30
- They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They are forever inventing new ways of sinning and are disobedient to their parents.
Proverbs 24:2
- For they spend their days plotting violence, and their words are always stirring up trouble.
Ezekiel 38:10
- "This is what the Sovereign LORD says: At that time evil thoughts will come to your mind, and you will devise a wicked scheme.
- You will say, `Israel is an unprotected land filled with unwalled villages! I will march against her and destroy these people who live in such confidence!
Isaiah 10:7
- But the king of Assyria will not know that it is I who sent him. He will merely think he is attacking my people as part of his plan to conquer the world.
- He will say, `Each of my princes will soon be a king, ruling a conquered land.
- We will destroy Calno just as we did Carchemish. Hamath will fall before us as Arpad did. And we will destroy Samaria just as we did Damascus.
- Yes, we have finished off many a kingdom whose gods were far greater than those in Jerusalem and Samaria.
- So when we have defeated Samaria and her gods, we will destroy Jerusalem with hers.'"
Isaiah 32:7
- The smooth tricks of evil people will be exposed, including all the lies they use to oppress the poor in the courts.
1 Kings 2:44
- The king also said to Shimei, "You surely remember all the wicked things you did to my father, King David. May the LORD punish you for them.
Proverbs 24:9
- The schemes of a fool are sinful; everyone despises a mocker.
Nahum 1:11
- Who is this king of yours who dares to plot evil against the LORD?