Proverbs 21:4 Cross References
Proverbs 21:4
4: Haughty eyes, a proud heart, and evil actions are all sin.
Proverbs 6:17
- haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that kill the innocent,
1 Peter 5:5
- You younger men, accept the authority of the elders. And all of you, serve each other in humility, for "God sets himself against the proud, but he shows favor to the humble."
Proverbs 21:27
- God loathes the sacrifice of an evil person, especially when it is brought with ulterior motives.
Luke 18:14
- I tell you, this sinner, not the Pharisee, returned home justified before God. For the proud will be humbled, but the humble will be honored."
Romans 14:23
- But if people have doubts about whether they should eat something, they shouldn't eat it. They would be condemned for not acting in faith before God. If you do anything you believe is not right, you are sinning.
Proverbs 15:8
- The LORD hates the sacrifice of the wicked, but he delights in the prayers of the upright.
Proverbs 8:13
- All who fear the LORD will hate evil. That is why I hate pride, arrogance, corruption, and perverted speech.
Isaiah 2:11
- The day is coming when your pride will be brought low and the LORD alone will be exalted.
Isaiah 3:16
- Next the LORD will judge the women of Jerusalem, who walk around with their noses in the air, with tinkling ornaments on their ankles. Their eyes rove among the crowds, flirting with the men.
Isaiah 2:17
- The arrogance of all people will be brought low. Their pride will lie in the dust. The LORD alone will be exalted!
Proverbs 30:13
- They are proud beyond description and disdainful.
Psalms 10:4
- These wicked people are too proud to seek God. They seem to think that God is dead.