Proverbs 2:14 Cross References
Proverbs 2:14
14: They rejoice in doing wrong, and they enjoy evil as it turns things upside down.
Proverbs 10:23
- Doing wrong is fun for a fool, while wise conduct is a pleasure to the wise.
Romans 1:32
- They are fully aware of God's death penalty for those who do these things, yet they go right ahead and do them anyway. And, worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too.
Jeremiah 11:15
- What right do my beloved people have to come to my Temple, where they have done so many immoral things? Can their sacrifices avert their destruction? They actually rejoice in doing evil!
1 Corinthians 13:6
- It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.
Habakkuk 1:15
- Must we be strung up on their hooks and dragged out in their nets while they rejoice?
Zephaniah 3:11
- And then you will no longer need to be ashamed of yourselves, for you will no longer be rebels against me. I will remove all the proud and arrogant people from among you. There will be no pride on my holy mountain.
Hosea 7:3
- The people make the king glad with their wickedness. The princes laugh about the people's many lies.
Luke 22:4
- and he went over to the leading priests and captains of the Temple guard to discuss the best way to betray Jesus to them.
- They were delighted that he was ready to help them, and they promised him a reward.