Proverbs 19:10 Cross References
Proverbs 19:10
10: It isn't right for a fool to live in luxury or for a slave to rule over princes!
Proverbs 30:21
- There are three things that make the earth tremble--no, four it cannot endure:
- a slave who becomes a king, an overbearing fool who prospers,
Proverbs 26:1
- Honor doesn't go with fools any more than snow with summer or rain with harvest.
Hosea 7:3
- The people make the king glad with their wickedness. The princes laugh about the people's many lies.
- They are all adulterers, always aflame with lust. They are like an oven that is kept hot even while the baker is still kneading the dough.
- "On royal holidays, the princes get drunk. The king makes a fool of himself and drinks with those who are making fun of him.
Isaiah 22:12
- The Lord, the LORD Almighty, called you to weep and mourn. He told you to shave your heads in sorrow for your sins and to wear clothes of sackcloth to show your remorse.
- But instead, you dance and play; you slaughter sacrificial animals, feast on meat, and drink wine. "Let's eat, drink, and be merry," you say. "What's the difference, for tomorrow we die."
- The LORD Almighty has revealed to me that this sin will never be forgiven you until the day you die. That is the judgment of the Lord, the LORD Almighty.
Esther 3:15
- At the king's command, the decree went out by the swiftest messengers, and it was proclaimed in the fortress of Susa. Then the king and Haman sat down to drink, but the city of Susa fell into confusion.
Isaiah 3:5
- People will take advantage of each other--man against man, neighbor fighting neighbor. Young people will revolt against authority, and nobodies will sneer at honorable people.
Isaiah 5:11
- Destruction is certain for you who get up early to begin long drinking bouts that last late into the night.
- You furnish lovely music and wine at your grand parties; the harps, lyres, tambourines, and flutes are superb! But you never think about the LORD or notice what he is doing.
Proverbs 17:7
- Eloquent speech is not fitting for a fool; even less are lies fitting for a ruler.
1 Samuel 25:36
- When Abigail arrived home, she found that Nabal had thrown a big party and was celebrating like a king. He was very drunk, so she didn't tell him anything about her meeting with David until the next morning.
Amos 6:3
- You push away every thought of coming disaster, but your actions only bring the day of judgment closer.
- How terrible it will be for you who sprawl on ivory beds surrounded with luxury, eating the meat of tender lambs and choice calves.
- You sing idle songs to the sound of the harp, and you fancy yourselves to be great musicians, as King David was.
- You drink wine by the bowlful, and you perfume yourselves with exotic fragrances, caring nothing at all that your nation is going to ruin.
Luke 16:19
- Jesus said, "There was a certain rich man who was splendidly clothed and who lived each day in luxury.
Hosea 9:1
- O people of Israel, do not rejoice as others do. For you have been unfaithful to your God, hiring yourselves out like prostitutes, offering sacrifices to other gods on every threshing floor.
James 4:9
- Let there be tears for the wrong things you have done. Let there be sorrow and deep grief. Let there be sadness instead of laughter, and gloom instead of joy.
Ecclesiastes 10:5
- There is another evil I have seen as I have watched the world go by. Kings and rulers make a grave mistake
- if they give foolish people great authority, and if they fail to give people of proven worth their rightful place of dignity.
- I have even seen servants riding like princes--and princes walking like servants.
2 Samuel 3:24
- he rushed to see the king. "What have you done?" he demanded. "What do you mean by letting Abner get away?
- You know perfectly well that he came to spy on you and to discover everything you are doing!"
2 Samuel 3:39
- And even though I am the anointed king, these two sons of Zeruiah--Joab and Abishai--are too strong for me to control. So may the LORD repay these wicked men for their wicked deeds."
Luke 16:23
- and his soul went to the place of the dead. There, in torment, he saw Lazarus in the far distance with Abraham.