Philemon 1:1 Cross References
Philemon 1:1
1: This letter is from Paul, in prison for preaching the Good News about Christ Jesus, and from our brother Timothy. It is written to Philemon, our much loved co-worker,
Philippians 2:25
- Meanwhile, I thought I should send Epaphroditus back to you. He is a true brother, a faithful worker, and a courageous soldier. And he was your messenger to help me in my need.
Philemon 1:9
- but because of our love, I prefer just to ask you. So take this as a request from your friend Paul, an old man, now in prison for the sake of Christ Jesus.
Ephesians 3:1
- I, Paul, am a prisoner of Christ Jesus because of my preaching to you Gentiles.
Philippians 4:3
- And I ask you, my true teammate, to help these women, for they worked hard with me in telling others the Good News. And they worked with Clement and the rest of my co-workers, whose names are written in the Book of Life.
Ephesians 4:1
- Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God.
Colossians 1:1
- This letter is from Paul, chosen by God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus, and from our brother Timothy.
2 Corinthians 1:1
- This letter is from Paul, appointed by God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus, and from our dear brother Timothy. We are writing to God's church in Corinth and to all the Christians throughout Greece.
1 Thessalonians 3:2
- and we sent Timothy to visit you. He is our co-worker for God and our brother in proclaiming the Good News of Christ. We sent him to strengthen you, to encourage you in your faith,
Colossians 4:11
- Jesus (the one we call Justus) also sends his greetings. These are the only Jewish Christians among my co-workers; they are working with me here for the Kingdom of God. And what a comfort they have been!
1 Corinthians 3:9
- We work together as partners who belong to God. You are God's field, God's building--not ours.
2 Timothy 1:8
- So you must never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord. And don't be ashamed of me, either, even though I'm in prison for Christ. With the strength God gives you, be ready to suffer with me for the proclamation of the Good News.
2 Thessalonians 1:1
- This letter is from Paul, Silas, and Timothy. It is written to the church in Thessalonica, you who belong to God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 6:20
- I am in chains now for preaching this message as God's ambassador. But pray that I will keep on speaking boldly for him, as I should.
Philemon 1:24
- So do Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, and Luke, my co-workers.