Obadiah 1:5 Cross References
Obadiah 1:5
5: "If thieves came at night and robbed you, they would not take everything. Those who harvest grapes always leave a few for the poor. But your enemies will wipe you out completely!
Deuteronomy 24:21
- This also applies to the grapes in your vineyard. Do not glean the vines after they are picked, but leave any remaining grapes for the foreigners, orphans, and widows.
Jeremiah 49:9
- Those who harvest grapes always leave a few for the poor. If thieves came at night, even they would not take everything.
Isaiah 17:6
- Only a few of its people will be left, like the stray olives left on the tree after the harvest. Only two or three remain in the highest branches, four or five out on the tips of the limbs. Yes, Israel will be stripped bare of people," says the LORD, the God of Israel.
Lamentations 1:1
- Jerusalem's streets, once bustling with people, are now silent. Like a widow broken with grief, she sits alone in her mourning. Once the queen of nations, she is now a slave.
Isaiah 14:12
- "How you are fallen from heaven, O shining star, son of the morning! You have been thrown down to the earth, you who destroyed the nations of the world.
Isaiah 24:13
- Throughout the earth the story is the same--like the stray olives left on the tree or the few grapes left on the vine after harvest, only a remnant is left.
2 Samuel 1:19
- Your pride and joy, O Israel, lies dead on the hills! How the mighty heroes have fallen!
Jeremiah 50:23
- Babylon, the mightiest hammer in all the earth, lies broken and shattered. Babylon is desolate among the nations!
Micah 7:1
- What misery is mine! I feel like the fruit picker after the harvest who can find nothing to eat. Not a cluster of grapes or a single fig can be found to satisfy my hunger.
Revelation 18:10
- They will stand at a distance, terrified by her great torment. They will cry out, "How terrible, how terrible for Babylon, that great city! In one single moment God's judgment came on her."
Zephaniah 2:15
- This is the fate of that boisterous city, once so secure. "In all the world there is no city as great as I," it boasted. But now, look how it has become an utter ruin, a place where animals live! Everyone passing that way will laugh in derision or shake a defiant fist.