Numbers 35:20 Cross References
Numbers 35:20
20: So if in premeditated hostility someone pushes another person or throws a dangerous object and the person dies, it is murder.
Exodus 21:14
- However, if someone deliberately attacks and kills another person, then the slayer must be dragged even from my altar and put to death.
Deuteronomy 19:11
- "But suppose someone hates a neighbor and deliberately ambushes and murders that neighbor and then escapes to one of the cities of refuge.
2 Samuel 20:10
- Amasa didn't notice the dagger in his left hand, and Joab stabbed him in the stomach with it so that his insides gushed out onto the ground. Joab did not need to strike again, and Amasa soon died. Joab and his brother Abishai left him lying there and continued after Sheba.
2 Samuel 3:27
- When Abner arrived at Hebron, Joab took him aside at the gateway as if to speak with him privately. But then he drew his dagger and killed Abner in revenge for killing his brother Asahel.
Genesis 4:8
- Later Cain suggested to his brother, Abel, "Let's go out into the fields." And while they were there, Cain attacked and killed his brother.
1 Samuel 24:11
- Look, my father, at what I have in my hand. It is a piece of your robe! I cut it off, but I didn't kill you. This proves that I am not trying to harm you and that I have not sinned against you, even though you have been hunting for me to kill me.
Psalms 11:2
- The wicked are stringing their bows and setting their arrows in the bowstrings. They shoot from the shadows at those who do right.
1 Samuel 19:9
- But one day as Saul was sitting at home, the tormenting spirit from the LORD suddenly came upon him again. As David played his harp for the king,
- Saul hurled his spear at David in an attempt to kill him. But David dodged out of the way and escaped into the night, leaving the spear stuck in the wall.
- Then Saul sent troops to watch David's house. They were told to kill David when he came out the next morning. But Michal, David's wife, warned him, "If you don't get away tonight, you will be dead by morning."
- So she helped him climb out through a window, and he escaped.
1 Samuel 20:1
- David now fled from Naioth in Ramah and found Jonathan. "What have I done?" he exclaimed. "What is my crime? How have I offended your father that he is so determined to kill me?"
Acts 20:3
- where he stayed for three months. He was preparing to sail back to Syria when he discovered a plot by some Jews against his life, so he decided to return through Macedonia.
Psalms 10:7
- Their mouths are full of cursing, lies, and threats. Trouble and evil are on the tips of their tongues.
- They lurk in dark alleys, murdering the innocent who pass by. They are always searching for some helpless victim.
- Like lions they crouch silently, waiting to pounce on the helpless. Like hunters they capture their victims and drag them away in nets.
- The helpless are overwhelmed and collapse; they fall beneath the strength of the wicked.
Proverbs 26:24
- People with hate in their hearts may sound pleasant enough, but don't believe them.
1 Samuel 18:10
- The very next day, in fact, a tormenting spirit from God overwhelmed Saul, and he began to rave like a madman. David began to play the harp, as he did whenever this happened. But Saul, who had a spear in his hand,
- suddenly hurled it at David, intending to pin him to the wall. But David jumped aside and escaped. This happened another time, too,
1 Kings 2:5
- "And there is something else. You know that Joab son of Zeruiah murdered my two army commanders, Abner son of Ner and Amasa son of Jether. He pretended that it was an act of war, but it was done in a time of peace, staining his belt and sandals with the blood of war.
- Do with him what you think best, but don't let him die in peace.
Psalms 57:4
- I am surrounded by fierce lions who greedily devour human prey--whose teeth pierce like spears and arrows, and whose tongues cut like swords.
- Be exalted, O God, above the highest heavens! May your glory shine over all the earth.
- My enemies have set a trap for me. I am weary from distress. They have dug a deep pit in my path, but they themselves have fallen into it.
1 Samuel 23:7
- Saul soon learned that David was at Keilah. "Good!" he exclaimed. "We've got him now! God has handed him over to me, for he has trapped himself in a walled city!"
- So Saul mobilized his entire army to march to Keilah and attack David and his men.
- But David learned of Saul's plan and told Abiathar the priest to bring the ephod and ask the LORD what he should do.
1 Samuel 18:25
- he told them, "Tell David that all I want for the bride price is one hundred Philistine foreskins! Vengeance on my enemies is all I really want." But what Saul had in mind was that David would be killed in the fight.
Genesis 4:5
- but he did not accept Cain and his offering. This made Cain very angry and dejected.
Acts 23:21
- But don't do it! There are more than forty men hiding along the way ready to jump him and kill him. They have vowed not to eat or drink until they kill him. They are ready, expecting you to agree to their request."
Proverbs 28:17
- A murderer's tormented conscience will drive him into the grave. Don't protect him!
Proverbs 1:18
- But not these people! They set an ambush for themselves; they booby-trap their own lives!
- Such is the fate of all who are greedy for gain. It ends up robbing them of life.
Luke 4:29
- Jumping up, they mobbed him and took him to the edge of the hill on which the city was built. They intended to push him over the cliff,
2 Samuel 13:22
- And though Absalom never spoke to Amnon about it, he hated Amnon deeply because of what he had done to his sister.
1 Kings 2:31
- "Do as he said," the king replied. "Kill him there beside the altar and bury him. This will remove the guilt of his senseless murders from me and from my father's family.
- Then the LORD will repay him for the murders of two men who were more righteous and better than he. For my father was no party to the deaths of Abner son of Ner, commander of the army of Israel, and Amasa son of Jether, commander of the army of Judah.
- May Joab and his descendants be forever guilty of these murders, and may the LORD grant peace to David and his descendants and to his throne forever."
Psalms 35:7
- Although I did them no wrong, they laid a trap for me. Although I did them no wrong, they dug a pit for me.
- So let sudden ruin overtake them! Let them be caught in the snare they set for me! Let them fall to destruction in the pit they dug for me.
Mark 6:19
- Herodias was enraged and wanted John killed in revenge, but without Herod's approval she was powerless.
2 Samuel 13:28
- Absalom told his men, "Wait until Amnon gets drunk; then at my signal, kill him! Don't be afraid. I'm the one who has given the command. Take courage and do it!"
- So at Absalom's signal they murdered Amnon. Then the other sons of the king jumped on their mules and fled.
Mark 6:24
- She went out and asked her mother, "What should I ask for?" Her mother told her, "Ask for John the Baptist's head!"
- So the girl hurried back to the king and told him, "I want the head of John the Baptist, right now, on a tray!"
- Then the king was very sorry, but he was embarrassed to break his oath in front of his guests.