Numbers 3:13 Cross References
Numbers 3:13
13: because all the firstborn sons are mine. From the day I killed all the firstborn sons of the Egyptians, I set apart for myself all the firstborn in Israel of both men and animals. They are mine; I am the LORD."
Exodus 13:12
- All firstborn sons and firstborn male animals must be presented to the LORD.
Exodus 13:2
- "Dedicate to me all the firstborn sons of Israel and every firstborn male animal. They are mine."
Exodus 13:15
- Pharaoh refused to let us go, so the LORD killed all the firstborn males throughout the land of Egypt, both people and animals. That is why we now offer all the firstborn males to the LORD--except that the firstborn sons are always redeemed.'
Leviticus 27:26
- "You may not dedicate to the LORD the firstborn of your cattle or sheep because the firstborn of these animals already belong to him.
Luke 2:23
- The law of the Lord says, "If a woman's first child is a boy, he must be dedicated to the Lord."
Exodus 12:29
- And at midnight the LORD killed all the firstborn sons in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sat on the throne, to the firstborn son of the captive in the dungeon. Even the firstborn of their livestock were killed.
- Pharaoh and his officials and all the people of Egypt woke up during the night, and loud wailing was heard throughout the land of Egypt. There was not a single house where someone had not died.
Numbers 18:15
- "The firstborn of every mother, whether human or animal, that is offered to the LORD will be yours. But you must always redeem your firstborn sons and the firstborn males of ritually unclean animals.
Exodus 22:29
- "Do not hold anything back when you give me the tithe of your crops and your wine. "You must make the necessary payment for redemption of your firstborn sons.
Hebrews 12:23
- You have come to the assembly of God's firstborn children, whose names are written in heaven. You have come to God himself, who is the judge of all people. And you have come to the spirits of the redeemed in heaven who have now been made perfect.
Ezekiel 44:30
- The first of the ripe fruits and all the gifts brought to the LORD will go to the priests. The first samples of each grain harvest and the first of your flour must also be given to the priests so the LORD will bless your homes.
Numbers 8:16
- "Of all the people of Israel, the Levites are reserved for me. I have claimed them for myself in place of all the firstborn sons of the Israelites; I have taken the Levites as their substitutes.
- For all the firstborn males among the people of Israel are mine, both people and animals. I set them apart for myself on the night I killed all the firstborn sons of the Egyptians.
Exodus 34:19
- "Every firstborn male belongs to me--of both cattle and sheep.