Numbers 28:26 Cross References
Numbers 28:26
26: "On the first day of the Festival of Harvest, when you present the first of your new grain to the LORD, you must call a holy assembly of the people. None of your regular work may be done on that day.
Exodus 23:16
- You must also celebrate the Festival of Harvest, when you bring me the first crops of your harvest. Finally, you are to celebrate the Festival of the Final Harvest at the end of the harvest season.
Exodus 34:22
- And you must remember to celebrate the Festival of Harvest with the first crop of the wheat harvest, and celebrate the Festival of the Final Harvest at the end of the harvest season.
Leviticus 23:10
- to give these instructions to the Israelites: "When you arrive in the land I am giving you and you harvest your first crops, bring the priest some grain from the first portion of your grain harvest.
Leviticus 23:15
- "From the day after the Sabbath, the day the bundle of grain was lifted up as an offering, count off seven weeks.
- Keep counting until the day after the seventh Sabbath, fifty days later, and bring an offering of new grain to the LORD.
- From wherever you live, bring two loaves of bread to be lifted up before the LORD as an offering. These loaves must be baked from three quarts of choice flour that contains yeast. They will be an offering to the LORD from the first of your crops.
- Along with this bread, present seven one-year-old lambs with no physical defects, one bull, and two rams as burnt offerings to the LORD. These whole burnt offerings, together with the accompanying grain offerings and drink offerings, will be given to the LORD by fire and will be pleasing to him.
- Then you must offer one male goat as a sin offering and two one-year-old male lambs as a peace offering.
Deuteronomy 16:9
- "Count off seven weeks from the beginning of your grain harvest.
- Then you must celebrate the Festival of Harvest to honor the LORD your God. Bring him a freewill offering in proportion to the blessings you have received from him.
- It is a time to celebrate before the LORD your God at the place he chooses for his name to be honored. Celebrate with your whole family, all your servants, the Levites from your towns, and the foreigners, orphans, and widows who live among you.
1 Corinthians 15:20
- But the fact is that Christ has been raised from the dead. He has become the first of a great harvest of those who will be raised to life again.
James 1:18
- In his goodness he chose to make us his own children by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his choice possession.
Numbers 28:18
- On the first day of the festival you must call a sacred assembly of the people. None of your regular work may be done on that day.
Acts 2:1
- On the day of Pentecost, seven weeks after Jesus' resurrection, the believers were meeting together in one place.
- Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm in the skies above them, and it filled the house where they were meeting.
- Then, what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them.
- And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability.
- Godly Jews from many nations were living in Jerusalem at that time.