Numbers 23:1 Cross References
Numbers 23:1
1: Balaam said to King Balak, "Build me seven altars here, and prepare seven young bulls and seven rams for a sacrifice."
Numbers 23:29
- Balaam again told Balak, "Build me seven altars and prepare me seven young bulls and seven rams for a sacrifice."
1 Samuel 15:22
- But Samuel replied, "What is more pleasing to the LORD: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Obedience is far better than sacrifice. Listening to him is much better than offering the fat of rams.
Jude 1:11
- How terrible it will be for them! For they follow the evil example of Cain, who killed his brother. Like Balaam, they will do anything for money. And like Korah, they will perish because of their rebellion.
Psalms 50:8
- I have no complaint about your sacrifices or the burnt offerings you constantly bring to my altar.
- But I want no more bulls from your barns; I want no more goats from your pens.
2 Chronicles 29:21
- They brought seven bulls, seven rams, seven lambs, and seven male goats as a sin offering for the kingdom, for the Temple, and for Judah. The king commanded the priests, who were descendants of Aaron, to sacrifice the animals on the altar of the LORD.
Isaiah 1:11
- "I am sick of your sacrifices," says the LORD. "Don't bring me any more burnt offerings! I don't want the fat from your rams or other animals. I don't want to see the blood from your offerings of bulls and rams and goats.
- Why do you keep parading through my courts with your worthless sacrifices?
- The incense you bring me is a stench in my nostrils! Your celebrations of the new moon and the Sabbath day, and your special days for fasting--even your most pious meetings--are all sinful and false. I want nothing more to do with them.
- I hate all your festivals and sacrifices. I cannot stand the sight of them!
- From now on, when you lift up your hands in prayer, I will refuse to look. Even though you offer many prayers, I will not listen. For your hands are covered with the blood of your innocent victims.
Matthew 23:13
- "How terrible it will be for you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you won't let others enter the Kingdom of Heaven, and you won't go in yourselves.
Exodus 27:1
- "Using acacia wood, make a square altar 7 1/2 feet wide, 7 1/2 feet long, and 4 1/2 feet high.
- Make a horn at each of the four corners of the altar so the horns and altar are all one piece. Overlay the altar and its horns with bronze.
- The ash buckets, shovels, basins, meat hooks, and firepans will all be made of bronze.
- Make a bronze grating, with a metal ring at each corner.
- Fit the grating halfway down into the firebox, resting it on the ledge built there.
1 Chronicles 15:26
- And because God was clearly helping the Levites as they carried the Ark of the LORD's covenant, they sacrificed seven bulls and seven lambs.
2 Kings 18:22
- "But perhaps you will say, `We are trusting in the LORD our God!' But isn't he the one who was insulted by King Hezekiah? Didn't Hezekiah tear down his shrines and altars and make everyone in Judah worship only at the altar here in Jerusalem?
Proverbs 15:8
- The LORD hates the sacrifice of the wicked, but he delights in the prayers of the upright.
Ezekiel 33:31
- So they come pretending to be sincere and sit before you listening. But they have no intention of doing what I tell them. They express love with their mouths, but their hearts seek only after money.
Numbers 29:32
- "On the seventh day of the festival, sacrifice seven young bulls, two rams, and fourteen one-year-old male lambs, all with no physical defects.
Ezekiel 45:23
- On each of the seven days of the feast he will prepare a burnt offering to the LORD. This daily offering will consist of seven young bulls and seven rams without any defects. A male goat will also be given each day for a sin offering.
Job 42:8
- Now take seven young bulls and seven rams and go to my servant Job and offer a burnt offering for yourselves. My servant Job will pray for you, and I will accept his prayer on your behalf. I will not treat you as you deserve, for you have not been right in what you said about me, as my servant Job was."
Exodus 20:24
- "The altars you make for me must be simple altars of earth. Offer on such altars your sacrifices to me--your burnt offerings and peace offerings, your sheep and goats and your cattle. Build altars in the places where I remind you who I am, and I will come and bless you there.