Numbers 2:17 Cross References
Numbers 2:17
17: "Then the Levites will set out from the middle of the camp with the Tabernacle. All the tribes are to travel in the same order that they camp, each in position under the appropriate family banner.
Numbers 10:21
- Next came the Kohathite division of the Levites, carrying the sacred objects from the Tabernacle. When they arrived at the next camp, the Tabernacle would already be set up at its new location.
Numbers 10:17
- Then the Tabernacle was taken down, and the Gershonite and Merarite divisions of the Levites were next in the line of march, carrying the Tabernacle with them.
Numbers 3:38
- The area in front of the Tabernacle in the east toward the sunrise was reserved for the tents of Moses and of Aaron and his sons, who had the final responsibility for the sanctuary on behalf of the people of Israel. Anyone other than a priest or Levite who came too near the sanctuary was to be executed.
Colossians 2:5
- For though I am far away from you, my heart is with you. And I am very happy because you are living as you should and because of your strong faith in Christ.
Numbers 2:1
- Then the LORD gave these instructions to Moses and Aaron:
1 Corinthians 14:40
- But be sure that everything is done properly and in order.
Numbers 1:50
- You must put the Levites in charge of the Tabernacle of the Covenant, along with its furnishings and equipment. They must carry the Tabernacle and its equipment as you travel, and they must care for it and camp around it.
- Whenever the Tabernacle is moved, the Levites will take it down and set it up again. Anyone else who goes too near the Tabernacle will be executed.
- Each tribe of Israel will have a designated camping area with its own family banner.
- But the Levites will camp around the Tabernacle of the Covenant to offer the people of Israel protection from the LORD's fierce anger. The Levites are responsible to stand guard around the Tabernacle."