Numbers 18:15 Cross References
Numbers 18:15
15: "The firstborn of every mother, whether human or animal, that is offered to the LORD will be yours. But you must always redeem your firstborn sons and the firstborn males of ritually unclean animals.
Exodus 34:20
- A firstborn male donkey may be redeemed from the LORD by presenting a lamb in its place. But if you decide not to make the exchange, you must kill the donkey by breaking its neck. However, you must redeem every firstborn son. No one is allowed to appear before me without a gift.
Exodus 13:2
- "Dedicate to me all the firstborn sons of Israel and every firstborn male animal. They are mine."
Exodus 13:12
- All firstborn sons and firstborn male animals must be presented to the LORD.
- A firstborn male donkey may be redeemed from the LORD by presenting a lamb in its place. But if you decide not to make the exchange, the donkey must be killed by breaking its neck. However, you must redeem every firstborn son.
Numbers 3:13
- because all the firstborn sons are mine. From the day I killed all the firstborn sons of the Egyptians, I set apart for myself all the firstborn in Israel of both men and animals. They are mine; I am the LORD."
Numbers 3:46
- To redeem the 273 firstborn sons of Israel who are in excess of the number of Levites,
Exodus 22:29
- "Do not hold anything back when you give me the tithe of your crops and your wine. "You must make the necessary payment for redemption of your firstborn sons.
Leviticus 27:26
- "You may not dedicate to the LORD the firstborn of your cattle or sheep because the firstborn of these animals already belong to him.
- However, if it is the firstborn of a ceremonially unclean animal, you may redeem it by paying the priest's assessment of its worth, plus 20 percent. If you do not redeem it, the priest may sell it to someone else for its assessed value.