Numbers 14:22 Cross References
Numbers 14:22
22: not one of these people will ever enter that land. They have seen my glorious presence and the miraculous signs I performed both in Egypt and in the wilderness, but again and again they tested me by refusing to listen.
Job 19:3
- Ten times now you have meant to insult me. You should be ashamed of dealing with me so harshly.
Psalms 106:26
- Therefore, he swore that he would kill them in the wilderness,
Genesis 31:7
- but he has tricked me, breaking his wage agreement with me again and again. But God has not allowed him to do me any harm.
Hebrews 3:17
- And who made God angry for forty years? Wasn't it the people who sinned, whose bodies fell in the wilderness?
- And to whom was God speaking when he vowed that they would never enter his place of rest? He was speaking to those who disobeyed him.
Exodus 17:2
- So once more the people grumbled and complained to Moses. "Give us water to drink!" they demanded. "Quiet!" Moses replied. "Why are you arguing with me? And why are you testing the LORD?"
Psalms 95:9
- For there your ancestors tried my patience; they courted my wrath though they had seen my many miracles.
- For forty years I was angry with them, and I said, `They are a people whose hearts turn away from me. They refuse to do what I tell them.'
- So in my anger I made a vow: `They will never enter my place of rest.'"
Deuteronomy 1:31
- And you saw how the LORD your God cared for you again and again here in the wilderness, just as a father cares for his child. Now he has brought you to this place.'
- But even after all he did, you refused to trust the LORD your God,
- who goes before you looking for the best places to camp, guiding you by a pillar of fire at night and a pillar of cloud by day.
- "When the LORD heard your complaining, he became very angry. So he solemnly swore,
- `Not one of you from this entire wicked generation will live to see the good land I swore to give your ancestors,
Psalms 106:14
- In the wilderness, their desires ran wild, testing God's patience in that dry land.
1 Corinthians 10:5
- Yet after all this, God was not pleased with most of them, and he destroyed them in the wilderness.
Genesis 31:41
- Yes, twenty years--fourteen of them earning your two daughters, and six years to get the flock. And you have reduced my wages ten times!
Exodus 14:11
- Then they turned against Moses and complained, "Why did you bring us out here to die in the wilderness? Weren't there enough graves for us in Egypt? Why did you make us leave?
Malachi 3:15
- From now on we will say, "Blessed are the arrogant." For those who do evil get rich, and those who dare God to punish them go free of harm.'"
Matthew 4:7
- Jesus responded, "The Scriptures also say, 'Do not test the Lord your God.'"
1 Corinthians 10:9
- Nor should we put Christ to the test, as some of them did and then died from snakebites.
Exodus 32:1
- When Moses failed to come back down the mountain right away, the people went to Aaron. "Look," they said, "make us some gods who can lead us. This man Moses, who brought us here from Egypt, has disappeared. We don't know what has happened to him."
Hebrews 3:9
- There your ancestors tried my patience, even though they saw my miracles for forty years.
Numbers 14:11
- And the LORD said to Moses, "How long will these people reject me? Will they never believe me, even after all the miraculous signs I have done among them?