Nehemiah 9:2 Cross References
Nehemiah 9:2
2: Those of Israelite descent separated themselves from all foreigners as they confessed their own sins and the sins of their ancestors.
Ezra 10:11
- Confess your sin to the LORD, the God of your ancestors, and do what he demands. Separate yourselves from the people of the land and from these pagan women."
Nehemiah 13:3
- When this law was read, all those of mixed ancestry were immediately expelled from the assembly.
Nehemiah 13:30
- So I purged out everything foreign and assigned tasks to the priests and Levites, making certain that each knew his work.
Daniel 9:3
- So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and fasting. I wore rough sackcloth and sprinkled myself with ashes.
- I prayed to the LORD my God and confessed: "O Lord, you are a great and awesome God! You always fulfill your promises of unfailing love to those who love you and keep your commands.
- But we have sinned and done wrong. We have rebelled against you and scorned your commands and regulations.
- We have refused to listen to your servants the prophets, who spoke your messages to our kings and princes and ancestors and to all the people of the land.
- "Lord, you are in the right; but our faces are covered with shame, just as you see us now. This is true of us all, including the people of Judah and Jerusalem and all Israel, scattered near and far, wherever you have driven us because of our disloyalty to you.
Daniel 9:20
- I went on praying and confessing my sin and the sins of my people, pleading with the LORD my God for Jerusalem, his holy mountain.
Hosea 5:7
- For they have betrayed the honor of the LORD, bearing children that aren't his. Now their false religion will devour them, along with their wealth.
Ezra 9:2
- For the men of Israel have married women from these people and have taken them as wives for their sons. So the holy race has become polluted by these mixed marriages. To make matters worse, the officials and leaders are some of the worst offenders."
Ezra 9:6
- I prayed, "O my God, I am utterly ashamed; I blush to lift up my face to you. For our sins are piled higher than our heads, and our guilt has reached to the heavens.
- Our whole history has been one of great sin. That is why we and our kings and our priests have been at the mercy of the pagan kings of the land. We have been killed, captured, robbed, and disgraced, just as we are today.
Nehemiah 1:6
- listen to my prayer! Look down and see me praying night and day for your people Israel. I confess that we have sinned against you. Yes, even my own family and I have sinned!
Psalms 144:11
- Save me from the fatal sword! Rescue me from the power of my enemies. Their mouths are full of lies; they swear to tell the truth, but they lie.
Leviticus 26:39
- Those still left alive will rot away in enemy lands because of their sins and the sins of their ancestors.
- "But at last my people will confess their sins and the sins of their ancestors for betraying me and being hostile toward me.
Psalms 106:6
- Both we and our ancestors have sinned. We have done wrong! We have acted wickedly!
- Our ancestors in Egypt were not impressed by the LORD's miracles. They soon forgot his many acts of kindness to them. Instead, they rebelled against him at the Red Sea.
Psalms 144:7
- Reach down from heaven and rescue me; deliver me from deep waters, from the power of my enemies.
Ezra 9:15
- O LORD, God of Israel, you are just. We stand before you in our guilt as nothing but an escaped remnant, though in such a condition none of us can stand in your presence."
1 John 1:7
- But if we are living in the light of God's presence, just as Christ is, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from every sin.
- If we say we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and refusing to accept the truth.
- But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong.
Isaiah 2:6
- The LORD has rejected the people of Israel because they have made alliances with foreigners from the East who practice magic and divination, just like the Philistines.