Nahum 2:8 Cross References
Nahum 2:8
8: Nineveh is like a leaking water reservoir! The people are slipping away. "Stop, stop!" someone shouts, but the people just keep on running.
Nahum 3:17
- Your princes and officials are also like locusts, crowding together in the hedges to survive the cold. But like locusts that fly away when the sun comes up to warm the earth, all of them will fly away and disappear.
Isaiah 48:20
- Yet even now, be free from your captivity! Leave Babylon and the Babylonians, singing as you go! Shout to the ends of the earth that the LORD has redeemed his servants, the people of Israel.
Jeremiah 51:30
- Her mightiest warriors no longer fight. They stay in their barracks. Their courage is gone. They have become as fearful as women. The invaders have burned the houses and broken down the city gates.
Isaiah 13:14
- Everyone will run until exhausted, rushing back to their own lands like hunted deer, wandering like sheep without a shepherd.
Genesis 10:11
- From there he extended his reign to Assyria, where he built Nineveh, Rehoboth-ir, Calah,
Jeremiah 46:5
- But look! The Egyptian army flees in terror. The bravest of its fighting men run without a backward glance. They are terrorized at every turn, says the LORD.
Isaiah 47:13
- You have more than enough advisers, astrologers, and stargazers. Let them stand up and save you from what the future holds.
Revelation 17:15
- And the angel said to me, "The waters where the prostitute is sitting represent masses of people of every nation and language.
Jeremiah 50:16
- Lead from Babylon all those who plant crops; send all the harvesters away. Let the captives escape the sword of the enemy and rush back to their own lands.
Revelation 17:1
- One of the seven angels who had poured out the seven bowls came over and spoke to me. "Come with me," he said, "and I will show you the judgment that is going to come on the great prostitute, who sits on many waters.
Jeremiah 51:13
- You are a city rich with water, a great center of commerce, but your end has come. The thread of your life is cut.