Nahum 1:12 Cross References
Nahum 1:12
12: This is what the LORD says: "Even though the Assyrians have many allies, they will be destroyed and disappear. O my people, I have already punished you once, and I will not do it again.
Joel 2:19
- He will reply, "Look! I am sending you grain and wine and olive oil, enough to satisfy your needs. You will no longer be an object of mockery among the surrounding nations.
Isaiah 51:22
- This is what the Sovereign LORD, your God and Defender, says: "See, I am taking the terrible cup from your hands. You will drink no more of my fury. It is gone at last!
2 Kings 19:37
- One day while he was worshiping in the temple of his god Nisroch, his sons Adrammelech and Sharezer killed him with their swords. They then escaped to the land of Ararat, and another son, Esarhaddon, became the next king of Assyria.
Isaiah 7:20
- In that day the Lord will take this "razor"--these Assyrians you have hired to protect you--and use it to shave off everything: your land, your crops, and your people.
Isaiah 8:8
- This flood will overflow all its channels and sweep into Judah. It will submerge Immanuel's land from one end to the other.
Nahum 1:15
- Look! A messenger is coming over the mountains with good news! He is bringing a message of peace. Celebrate your festivals, O people of Judah, and fulfill all your vows, for your enemies from Nineveh will never invade your land again. They have been completely destroyed!
Isaiah 30:28
- His anger pours out like a flood on his enemies, sweeping them all away. He will sift out the proud nations. He will bridle them and lead them off to their destruction.
- But the people of God will sing a song of joy, like the songs at the holy festivals. You will be filled with joy, as when a flutist leads a group of pilgrims to Jerusalem--the mountain of the LORD--to the Rock of Israel.
- And the LORD will make his majestic voice heard. With angry indignation he will bring down his mighty arm on his enemies. It will descend with devouring flames, with cloudbursts, thunderstorms, and huge hailstones, bringing their destruction.
- At the LORD's command, the Assyrians will be shattered. He will strike them down with his rod.
- And as the LORD strikes them, his people will keep time with the music of tambourines and harps.
Exodus 12:12
- On that night I will pass through the land of Egypt and kill all the firstborn sons and firstborn male animals in the land of Egypt. I will execute judgment against all the gods of Egypt, for I am the LORD!
Lamentations 3:31
- For the Lord does not abandon anyone forever.
- Though he brings grief, he also shows compassion according to the greatness of his unfailing love.
Isaiah 14:24
- The LORD Almighty has sworn this oath: "It will all happen as I have planned. It will come about according to my purposes.
- I will break the Assyrians when they are in Israel; I will trample them on my mountains. My people will no longer be their slaves.
- I have a plan for the whole earth, for my mighty power reaches throughout the world.
- The LORD Almighty has spoken--who can change his plans? When his hand moves, who can stop him?"
Daniel 11:10
- However, the sons of the king of the north will assemble a mighty army that will advance like a flood and carry the battle as far as the enemy's fortress.
Isaiah 31:8
- "The Assyrians will be destroyed, but not by the swords of men. The sword of God will strike them, and they will panic and flee. The strong young Assyrians will be taken away as captives.
Isaiah 37:36
- That night the angel of the LORD went out to the Assyrian camp and killed 185,000 Assyrian troops. When the surviving Assyrians woke up the next morning, they found corpses everywhere.
2 Kings 19:35
- That night the angel of the LORD went out to the Assyrian camp and killed 185,000 Assyrian troops. When the surviving Assyrians woke up the next morning, they found corpses everywhere.
Isaiah 10:32
- But the enemy stops at Nob for the rest of that day. He shakes his fist at Mount Zion in Jerusalem.
- But look! The Lord, the LORD Almighty, will chop down the mighty tree! He will destroy all that vast army of Assyria--officers and high officials alike.
- The Mighty One will cut down the enemy as an ax cuts down the forest trees in Lebanon.
Revelation 7:16
- They will never again be hungry or thirsty, and they will be fully protected from the scorching noontime heat.
Isaiah 60:18
- Violence will disappear from your land; the desolation and destruction of war will end. Salvation will surround you like city walls, and praise will be on the lips of all who enter there.
- "No longer will you need the sun or moon to give you light, for the LORD your God will be your everlasting light, and he will be your glory.
- The sun will never set; the moon will not go down. For the LORD will be your everlasting light. Your days of mourning will come to an end.
Isaiah 30:19
- O people of Zion, who live in Jerusalem, you will weep no more. He will be gracious if you ask for help. He will respond instantly to the sound of your cries.
Isaiah 17:14
- In the evening Israel waits in terror, but by dawn its enemies are dead. This is the just reward of those who plunder and destroy the people of God.