Matthew 26:49 Cross References
Matthew 26:49
49: So Judas came straight to Jesus. "Greetings, Teacher!" he exclaimed and gave him the kiss.
Matthew 26:25
- Judas, the one who would betray him, also asked, "Teacher, I'm not the one, am I?" And Jesus told him, "You have said it yourself."
Matthew 27:29
- They made a crown of long, sharp thorns and put it on his head, and they placed a stick in his right hand as a scepter. Then they knelt before him in mockery, yelling, "Hail! King of the Jews!"
- And they spit on him and grabbed the stick and beat him on the head with it.
Proverbs 27:6
- Wounds from a friend are better than many kisses from an enemy.
2 Samuel 20:9
- "How are you, my cousin?" Joab said and took him by the beard with his right hand as though to kiss him.
John 19:3
- "Hail! King of the Jews!" they mocked, and they hit him with their fists.
Mark 14:45
- As soon as they arrived, Judas walked up to Jesus. "Teacher!" he exclaimed, and gave him the kiss.
- Then the others grabbed Jesus and arrested him.
1 Samuel 10:1
- Then Samuel took a flask of olive oil and poured it over Saul's head. He kissed Saul on the cheek and said, "I am doing this because the LORD has appointed you to be the leader of his people Israel.
Luke 7:45
- You didn't give me a kiss of greeting, but she has kissed my feet again and again from the time I first came in.
Genesis 27:26
- "Come here and kiss me, my son."
Mark 15:18
- Then they saluted, yelling, "Hail! King of the Jews!"
1 Thessalonians 5:26
- Greet all the brothers and sisters in Christian love.